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 切换触点 添加此单词到默认生词本
double-throw contact

  1. 切换电流是指继电器在开路和闭合触点时能可靠处理的最大电流。
    Switched current is the maximum current that can be handled reliably while opening and closing contacts.
  2. 当采用冷切换时,触点的寿命要长许多。
    Contact life is much longer when cold switching is used.
  3. 作为技术指标,如果在最大信号电平下采用冷切换而非热切换,那么触点寿命将会从105次开关次数延长至108次开关次数。
    As the specifications state, if cold switching is used instead of hot switching at maximum signal levels, contact life is extended from 105 closures to 108 closures.

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