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 切断低压 [qiē duàn dī yā添加此单词到默认生词本
cutoff low

  1. 介绍了某变电站主变压器低压侧短路,因断路器未及时切断电弧造成火灾事故的情况,对变电站主变保护配置及使用中应注意的问题进行了分析,包括后备保护的配置、直流系统的使用、母线运行方式的选择及电流互感器位置的选择等。
    After introducing a fire accident occurring in a substation as a result of not isolating the fault on the low voltage side of the transformer in time, this paper analyses the scheme of transformer protection and some key points which must be cared for, such as scheme of backup protection, DC power supply, selection of busbar operation mode and current transformer etc.

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