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 切换频率 添加此单词到默认生词本
switching frequency
[自] switch frequence

  1. 在此基础上,提出切换频率式定子接地保护方案,提高了保护灵敏度和可靠性。
    Based on that, frequency switching scheme is introduced, which has higher sensitivity and reliability.
  2. 很多的人遭遇交通事故,就是因为在他们脑波切换频率时而他们没有觉察到发生的事。
    So many people are having accidents because they are unaware of what happens when their brain shifts frequencies.
  3. 提出了一种新的建模方法,模型物理意义与实际工况严格相符,具有较高的精度,满足了工程中对水泵切换频率尽量小的要求。
    The paper proposes a new modeling method, which is compatible with the actual operation and has higher precision and satisfies the engineering requirement on lower switching frequency.

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