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  1. 尽管苏布拉马尼安德的评估与国际货币基金组织计算的结果相差甚远,但购买力修正值在经济中是合理的。
    Purchasing-power corrections are standard in economics, though Subramanian's assessment differs significantly from calculations made by the International Monetary Fund.
  2. 市场下修正值欧洲传来一系列负面消息之际,从对希腊债务危及的担忧到德国本周单方面决定禁止裸卖空.
    The correction comes on the back of a stream of negative news out of Europe, from worries over Greece's debt crisis to Germany's unilateral decision this week to ban naked short-selling.
  3. 美国能源资料协会(EIA)产量估算修正值更表明,早在利比亚石油出口中断前数周,沙特可能就已增产.
    Revised production estimates from the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration (EIA) added to signs that the Saudi increase may have come weeks before the Libyan outage.

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