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 修正目标函数 添加此单词到默认生词本
modified objective function

  1. 在系数的确定中,建立了该预测模型的优化目标函数,并采用单纯形法得到了优化的修正系数组。
    The operating data at designed condition were used to decide the modified coefficients of the model.
  2. 对每种方法,都给出了它的基本思路、目标函数修正模型的求解过程,以及各阶段的主要计算公式。
    Main formulations concerning the building of object function and the computation of updated model are discussed.
  3. 似乎是修正了观察目标对应的函数在距离上出现的偏差,这个可能是导致不能超距离观察的原因,不过我还在尝试修复。
    Fixed disparity between CheckInteractDistance and inspect API functions - Functions now respect the correct interact distance limit (Except for the tooltip SetInventoryItem method).

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