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 修正谱 [xiū zhèng pǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
innovation spectrum

  1. 该文提出了一种基于修正模型的改进的倒基音检测算法。
    An improved speech pitch detection algorithm based on modified cepstrum model is proposed.
  2. 文章指出:必须根据该元件的用途,考虑峰重叠规律先对定性分析的结果作出修正,然后进行定量分析,方可获得正确的结果。
    It is necessary to consider the use of the component and the law of peak overlapping in order to correct the qualitative result and then to take the quantitative analysis.
  3. 然后,考虑了阻尼比对结构地震反应的影响,分析了我国现行建筑抗震设计规范反应,并讨论了不同阻尼比对水平地震影响系数的修正公式。
    The response spectra in current chinese seismic design code is expounded and an updating formula of the horizontal seismic coefficient for different damping ratios is discussed.

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