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 通风除尘 添加此单词到默认生词本
[环境] dust removal by ventilation

  1. 本文叙述粉尘的扩散机理、治理措施和通风除尘网路的设计。
    This paper elaborates on dust emitting mechanism, controlling measures and the design of ventilation and dust collecting system.
  2. 通风除尘系统的合理设计为喷锌生产线的无尘化生产提供了保证。
    The proper design of the ventilation dusting system provides guarantee for non-dust production of production line of spraying zinc.
  3. 粮食烘干车间通风除尘问题,因其环境温度低,粉尘浓度高和相对湿度大的特殊性和复杂性,用常规的技术方法难以解决。
    It is very difficult to solve the problems of ventilation and dust cleaning in the grain-drying workshop for its lower ambience temperature, higher dust concentration and relative humidity.

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