逝水年华 [
shì shuǐ nián huá]

Time passes like flowing water.
The light and moonlight follow each other like flowing water.
- 关于这一点,只要问一问马塞尔 普鲁斯特(《追忆逝水年华》作者)就好了。
Just ask Marcel Proust. - 当《追忆逝水年华》第一部开始的时候,普鲁斯特已忘记所有童年吃过的甜糕点。
When Swann's Way begins, Proust has forgotten all about the sugary pastries of his childhood. - 盖茨在五月来到乔布斯家中,三个多小时里,两位电子巨头一起追忆逝水年华。
He came to Mr. Jobs’s house in Palo Alto, Calif., in May, and they spent more than three hours together, reminiscing, Mr. Isaacson writes.