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 双节棍 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 在马洛尼诉科莫案中,她判定纽约市可以禁止一种类似于双节棍的武术用武器。
    In Maloney v Cuomo, she ruled that New York could ban a martial-arts weapon consisting of two sticks linked with a chain.
  2. 你至少应该感谢你母亲,她没有挥舞双节棍,拒你父亲千里之外,反而热情欢迎,成功孕育了你。
    Be thankful that, on at least one occasion, your mother did not fend off your father with a pair of nunchucks, but instead allowed enough contact to facilitate your happy conception.
  3. Patricia Engel 对青春有着自己独特的见解,刻画的细致入微:例如描写12岁的小男孩们对双节棍的狂热痴迷,又或者是无意中听到家长闲聊时谈到性时的羞耻感。
    PATRICIA ENGEL has an eye for the details of youth: the way 12-year-old boys can get obsessed with nunchucks, for example, or the shame of overhearing a parent speak casually about sex.

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