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 分成薄层的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 的组织开始在管子的中间从上至下生长,把管子分成左右两边。
    A layer of tissue begins to grow down the middle of the tube, dividing it into the right and left sides.
  2. 方法:随机选择的妇科门诊病人100例,随机分成2组,薄层细胞涂片组和手工涂片组,其中薄层细胞涂片组的刮片标本经过我们设计的双滤网的过滤和分离液离心的步骤去除标本中的黏液、炎细胞和血细胞。
    Method: 100 women outpatients were randomly selected and divided into two groups . Group 1 was given thin cytologic test of cervical cell, and group 2 was given routine cervical smear.
  3. 对于海流感应磁场建立以下模型:首先将海流块分成若干不同的薄层,每一可以看作由若干细长的海流细条联合而成;
    For ocean current, the following model can be assumed and used: First we divide can ocean current block into different thin layers and every layer is combined as many long and thin ocean current wire.

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