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 分批加工 添加此单词到默认生词本
batch processing

  1. 用沉浸式搅拌器或者在搅拌器中分批(用毛巾盖住口以免热汤溅出)粗略搅拌此汤,或者用带有钢刀的合适的食品加工机。
    Blend the soup coarsely using an immersion blender or in batches in a blender (cover the top with a towel to avoid hot splashes) or a food processor fitted with a steel blade.
  2. 分批排序问题和加工时间可压缩的排序问题有着深刻的根源。
    Scheduling problems, batch scheduling with controllable processing times have deep roots in the real world.
  3. 本文将以上两种现代排序模型结合起来,讨论了加工时间可控的分批排序问题。
    In this paper, we combine above two kinds of the modern sorts, discuss the batch scheduling with controllable processing times problem.

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