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 分度机构 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] indexing mechanism

  1. 弧面凸轮分度机构广泛应用于现代自动机械。
    Globoid cam indexing mechanism is used widely in modern automatic machines.
  2. 例举了双齿条分度机构改装方案,客观论证了圆柱齿轮展成拉齿加工工艺的可行性和可靠性。
    The reliability and feasibility of cutting spur gear by generating tooth-broaching method was proved by the example of refitting double-tooth graduation mechanism.
  3. 弧面分度凸轮机构是一种广泛应用于现代自动机和自动生产线上的高速、高精的空间分度机构
    Globoid indexing cam mechanism is a kind of mechanism used widely in modern automatic machine and spatial high speed and high accuracy indexing mechanism of automatic production line.

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