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 分度装置 添加此单词到默认生词本
dividing apparatus

  1. 介绍了冲压万能自动分度装置,说明了其工作原理。
    Introduce an omnipotence press automatism dividing device, explained it operation principle.
  2. 在转盘转动和复位时,其分度装置采用了两组斜销限位机构带动和限制了工件的转动。
    In the dividing device, two groups of inclined pin limiting mechanism drive and limit the rotating of work piece when a dial rotates and reset.
  3. 着重析影响精密分度装置寿命的接触表面压力,基本动载荷,温系数等因素。
    This article mainly analyses the factors that affect the precise indexer life, touching surface pressure, basic motion load and temperature factor for example.

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