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 分布式计算机控制系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计][自] distributed computer control system

  1. 系统采用分布式计算机控制系统,由一台PC机和多台单片机构成主从式总线型结构。
    This system uses the distributed computer control system and is made of a PC and several SCMs, which show a principal and subordinate structure with bus style.
  2. 街区路灯控制装置即监控终端,与设在路灯管理机构的监控中心,形成两级分布式计算机控制系统
    The street control apparatus is the monitor and control terminal. Together with the monitor and control center in the control agency, they form the two stage distributed computer control system.
  3. 根据船闸机电控制系统的运行特点,论述了以分布式计算机控制系统实现高性能船闸综合自动化的方法。
    Based on the operation characteristics of the shiplock electromechanical control system, the way of realizing high-property shiplock automatization by distributed computer control system is expounded.

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