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 分布曲面 添加此单词到默认生词本
distribution surface

  1. 并给出了数值计算结果和三维分布曲面
    The numerical results are given with a three dimensional distribution illtistration.
  2. 即在建筑师给定预想的曲面形状的前提下,找出与此曲面相接近的初始平衡状态—初始张力的大小、分布和几何形状。
    The aim of this part is to find an initial equilibrium state , the value and distribution of tension force and the geometry of the surface, when the location of the control points are confirmed.
  3. 对用这种方法得到的一个轴对称进水口曲面上压力分布,进行了松弛法计算,还对另一个进行了气流模型试验。
    The pressure distribution along the curved wall of an axially symmetric inlet so obtained was calculated by the relaxation method, and that of another was measured from an air-flow model test.

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