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 unsafe [,ʌn'seif]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不安全的, 不安稳的, 危险的

[经] 不安全

    [ adj ]
    1. lacking in security or safety

    2. <adj.all>
      his fortune was increasingly insecure
      an insecure future
    3. involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm

    4. <adj.all>
      a dangerous criminal
      a dangerous bridge
      unemployment reached dangerous proportions
    5. not safe from attack

    6. <adj.all>

    1. Southern Pacific and Calnev have agreed to buy 22 homes, including those destroyed or damaged in addition to others deemed in an unsafe location.
    2. At the end of the inspection, the department announced that the airlines weren't unsafe, but said the labor-management hostility at Eastern was so intense that, if left to fester, it could jeopardize safety.
    3. Critics of the vehicle, most of which have been stationed in Europe, say it doesn't work and is unsafe.
    4. "There's no easy definition of what safe or unsafe is.
    5. But the combination of new laws and lower public tolerance for unsafe behavior at home, at work and especially behind the wheel of a car has improved Americans' safety record, said Alan Hoskin, director of the council's statistics department.
    6. The suits against Toys R Us and six other companies charge that the toys are unsafe because they contain excessive amounts of lead paint or have small parts that could choke small children.
    7. Asked if Gilbert's torrential rains contributed to the collapse, Nakashima said, "It had to have something to do with it, so all this accelerated." Residents and their relatives say the building already was unsafe.
    8. It said Boeing knew, or should have known, about defects in the plane which might make it unsafe.
    9. The airlines deny that high-density seating is risky, but questions are being raised about whether carriers are cramming so many passengers into airliners these days that the planes are inherently unsafe.
    10. Dr. Jean Pennington, a nutritionist for the Food and Drug Administration, told the Bee that she doubts people are getting unsafe levels of selenium if they eat an average diet.
    11. The first level of response would be triggered by deteriorating internal controls, increasing interest-rate risk, unusually rapid growth or other signs of "unsafe practices in seemingly healthy institutions," the report said.
    12. Thick smoke made it unsafe to operate school buses and the Red Cross needed some schools for evacuation centers.
    13. Rachel Shimshack, chairwoman of Massachusetts Citizens for Safe Energy, which is behind the nuclear plant shutdown proposal, said "this underscores our point that Pilgrim is an unsafe and unreliable and expensive plant."
    14. The April 21 document was written one week after regulators seized control of the $5.2 billion thrift under a conservatorship, claiming that Keating was operating it in an unsafe and unsound manner.
    15. The publication of a monthly list will strengthen our campaign against unsafe ships.' Ten of the vessels detained in July had significant defects in their life-saving and fire-fighting equipment, while six had defects in their radio installations.
    16. The latest increase might be an isolated occurrence among homosexuals who have continued to practice unsafe sex, the CDC said in its weekly report.
    17. Consumers flocked to organic produce markets throughout California following reports of tainted Chilean grapes and unsafe apples.
    18. Car-boot sales, which are attended by more than 1m people a week during the summer, were yesterday described as a free-for-all for traders of faulty, unsafe and illegal goods.
    19. Weary workers had actually suspended their grim labors Friday night because officials feared the collapsed double-decked highway was too unsafe.
    20. A federal court imposed the freeze following the charges by the regulators, who also complained that the officers operated Carteret in an unsafe manner and paid themselves excessive bonuses.
    21. In Washington, the State Department issued a statement saying the recent demonstrations, accompanied by looting and clashes between police and rioters, have made conditions unsafe for travelers.
    22. Navy officials said the stand-down wasn't ordered because the service was operating in an unsafe manner, but because Garrett and Trost wanted to ensure that everything that could be done was being done to protect servicemen.
    23. Downtown business leaders have been pushing for more police protection in response to a growing perception that the central business district is becoming increasingly unsafe.
    24. But last year, Consumer Reports magazine published an extensive story that condemned the Samurai as unsafe because of its alleged tendency to roll over during sudden turns.
    25. In many instances that includes "documents and decisions involving unsafe products, dangerous drugs, toxic wastes _ all with potentially devastating effect on people unaware of the danger," said Paul McMasters, deputy editorial director of USA Today.
    26. McCain said "marijuana is California's largest cash crop" and said New York streets are unsafe because of drug-related crime.
    27. The Synar plan would require only that the plaintiff prove that the product was so unsafe compared with its usefulness that it should not have been marketed.
    28. Anti-abortion lawmakers have received hundreds of small handmade hangers, along with some regular hangers, symbolizing the pro-choice side's contention that restricting abortion will spur unsafe, illegal abortions.
    29. The Victorian house that Ms. Johnson is inspecting has been deemed unsafe by town officials.
    30. Allegations include allowing planes to fly without making needed repairs or removing captains from flights for deciding to ground a plane deemed unsafe, said Stokes.
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