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 unsaleable 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 卖不掉的, 无销路的

    [ adj ]
    impossible to sell

    1. The Shetland salmon farming industry lost about Pounds 20m because some fish were contaminated and became unsaleable.
    2. From the budget deficit to bad loans, from bankruptcies to unsaleable junk bonds, one of the biggest unfinished stories of 1989 boils down to borrowed money.
    3. No one would benefit from collectors and dealers left with a glut of over-expensive, unsaleable furniture on their hands.
    4. But a company buying CPC International for Skippy peanut butter might be stuck with an unsaleable corn-milling business, he says.
    5. Perritt jests that when matched against the offerings of the hucksters and touts, their theory of buy and hold seems almost unsaleable.
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