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 ugliest 添加此单词到默认生词本
adj. 最丑的

    Ugly \Ug"ly\, a. [Compar. {Uglier}; superl. {Ugliest}.] [Icel.
    uggligr fearful, dreadful; uggr fear (akin to ugga to fear) +
    -ligr (akin to E. -ly, like). ??. Cf. {Awe}.]
    1. Offensive to the sight; contrary to beauty; being of
    disagreeable or loathsome aspect; unsightly; repulsive;

    The ugly view of his deformed crimes. --Spenser.

    Like the toad, ugly and venomous. --Shak.

    O, I have passed a miserable night,
    So full of ugly sights, of ghastly dreams. --Shak.

    2. Ill-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome; as, an ugly
    temper; to feel ugly. [Colloq. U. S.]

    3. Unpleasant; disagreeable; likely to cause trouble or loss;
    as, an ugly rumor; an ugly customer. [Colloq.]

    1. People see all these ugliest facts of mismanagement and justly demand a strict punishment of the culprits, not because of vengeance but to assert the realisation that it is inadmissible and impossible to throw the people's resources to the winds.
    2. A state of technical anarchy set in, which in its ugliest manifestation led to the decapitation of more than 40 police and alleged government agents.
    3. "If the diplomatic initiative now begins to match the military initiative, just maybe we can be spared of the ugliest scenario," Jackson said.
    4. Prizes will be awarded for best-dressed dog, ugliest pet, best pet-owner look-alike, best non-dog entry and most creatively dressed owner.
    5. It becomes the ugliest and most dangerous monster of the 20th century.
    6. The audio portion of the ad has Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., quipping that Wilson votes better "under sedation." Wilson calls the ad "the ugliest and most mean-spirited commercial of 1990."
    7. Others try "ugliest tie" or "craziest hat" competitions.
    8. They have seen a political movement at its ugliest, and felt the cruel rage that greets apostasy.
    9. I'm at home." Perhaps the ugliest expression of the distrust or outright hatred of foreigners here is a leaflet dropped on the capital recently by air force planes.
    10. War is the ugliest affliction to which mankind can be subjected." Soviet cosmonauts, apparently aware of being hosted by the guardians of the Islamic faith, guardedly shirked atheism and conceded that God exists.
    11. As we have said for many months now, the use of the ethics weapon and criminal laws for political purposes is the ugliest feature of American politics.
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