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 ugliness ['ʌglinis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 丑陋

    [ noun ]
    1. qualities of appearance that do not give pleasure to the senses

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. the quality of being wicked

    4. <noun.attribute>

    Ugliness \Ug"li*ness\, n.
    The quality or state of being ugly.

    1. "The ugliness of this climate is bad and I don't like it and I'd like to think that I could help," Bush said.
    2. If they fail in that task, the rampage in Rostock will not be the last sign of ugliness along the road to unity.
    3. Ms. Savoca manages to set up the dogfight without cruelty to either the women being chosen for their "ugliness" or the men choosing them.
    4. The works of many of these artists, however, with their disease-green and hatchet-cut faces, their bent skeletal limbs and insistent ugliness one may still legitimately find more repulsive than attractive.
    5. This, he felt, would at least detract from the ugliness of the lined glass.
    6. Lord Melody's humor was perhaps most trenchant and cutting against his own supposed ugliness.
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