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 tricuspid valve 添加此单词到默认生词本

    tricuspid valve
    [ noun ]
    valve with three cusps; situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle; allows blood to pass from atrium to ventricle and closes to prevent backflow when the ventricle contracts

    Tricuspid \Tri*cus"pid\, a. [L. tricuspis, -idis; tri- (see
    {Tri-}) + cuspis a point: cf. F. tricuspide.]
    1. Having three cusps, or points; tricuspidate; as, a
    tricuspid molar.

    2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the tricuspid valves; as,
    tricuspid obstruction.

    {Tricuspid valve} (Anat.), the valve, consisting of three
    triangular membranous flaps, at the opening of the right
    auricle into the right ventricle in the heart of most
    mammals; -- sometimes called the {tricuspid valves}, each
    flap being regarded as a valve.

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