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 tricycle ['traisikl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 三轮车

    [ noun ]
    a vehicle with three wheels that is moved by foot pedals

    Tricycle \Tri"cy*cle\, n. [Pref. tri- + cycle as inbicycle.]
    A three-wheeled velocipede. See Illust. under {Velocipede}.
    Cf. {Bicycle}.

    1. Despite her ailment, Ogechi has developed normally, doctors said. She weighs a robust 35 pounds, walks and rides a tricycle for exercise and has a relatively advanced vocabulary.
    2. A Freewheeling Approach To Mobility in Factories WHAT CUTS industrial air pollution, reduces U.S. reliance on foreign oil and lowers employee health costs? The tricycle, of course.
    3. Carmina leaves the hospital for walks and rides on her new tricycle, and has gone on an outing with her grandfather, Robert Richards, officials said.
    4. Some of these amputees have been given a sort of large tricycle, which they propel with their hands.
    5. Just last year, 500 auditioned at "Bozo University" in Hollywood, where the four-week crash course includes classes on makeup, tricycle riding, and lots of smile practice.
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