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 technocrat ['tɛknə`kræt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 技术专家治国论者, 技术专家统治论者

    [ noun ]
    1. an expert who is a member of a highly skilled elite group

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an advocate of technocracy

    4. <noun.person>

    technocrat \tech"no*crat\, n.
    1. a technical specialist exercising governmental or
    managerial authority.

    2. a proponent of technocracy.
    [PJC] -- {technocratic}, a.

    1. Meanwhile, the Bosnian Serb parliament has proposed a new prime minister, Mr Dusan Kozic, a technocrat who promised to clamp down on black-marketeering.
    2. Alexei Kosygin, an intelligent technocrat and second most powerful man in the Soviet Union, couldn't make the Liberman plan work.
    3. In his first news conference since becoming premier, Li portrayed himself as a technocrat whose views reflect the consensus of central leadership, and made no new policy statements.
    4. Distinguished himself as a technocrat who helped preserve Lebanon's economy and banking system against the ravages of the civil war.
    5. Mr. Salinas, a Harvard-educated technocrat, promises to continue the economic and political liberalization launched by President Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, a pledge welcomed by international bankers though not by all Mexicans.
    6. Stanislaw Tyminski returned to Poland two months ago presenting himself as a successful technocrat who would use Western business acumen to reverse the nation's economic crisis.
    7. These bridges are monuments to him and Shanghai.' Unlike Zhu, Zou lacks charisma, but has a reputation as an effective technocrat who understands complex economic issues.
    8. Democratic front-runner Michael Dukakis may give the appearance of a cool technocrat, but the presidential candidate's blood pressure is "at the high end of normal," a doctor said Saturday.
    9. Rep. Albert Bustamante of Texas saluted Dukakis as both a "technocrat" and the "liberal of 1988."
    10. The most important change was the naming of Carlos Caceres, a 48-year-old technocrat, to replace Sergio Fernandez as interior minister, the post with the most political power.
    11. Hilger was condemned in the German media as an 'insensitive technocrat' after he blamed fate for the 'statistical frequency' of the accidents, which resulted in one death.
    12. But this is unlikely in 1992 because of the election. To some, Mr Lamont seems more like a harassed technocrat than a holder of one of the great offices of state.
    13. Jiang is a technocrat who speaks Russian and English.
    14. Rocard, a technocrat from the Socialists' pragmatic wing, has survived four no-confidence motions during his tenure thanks to Communist abstentions.
    15. After a 30-year political career, Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is the same cool, untiring technocrat and unflappable optimist.
    16. But they soon departed as liabilities, leaving the agencies with "technocrat" administrators and instructions not to antagonize either the public or business.
    17. I do not question his democratic convictions, but his language, his public image and his past career are essentially those of a technocrat.
    18. One senior civil servant compliments Mr Hata as a talented technocrat, but fears that 'at the top of the tower this may not be enough'.
    19. He is a technocrat and not an ideologist," Ms. Dimitriu said.
    20. But unlike his predecessor, Mr. Nobrega, who is known as a discreet technocrat who follows orders, isn't likely to try radical domestic policies to address the country's staggering economic problems.
    21. They are an odd couple _ the cool technocrat from Massachusetts and the fiery preacher from the civil rights movement.
    22. Michael Dukakis, another cerebral technocrat, does share Mr. Truman's "strong interest in economic growth," says Mr. Kirkendall, the Iowa State historian.
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