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 technocrats 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. But vast reforms require more than advice from technocrats and pressure from multilateral lending institutions.
    2. Diplomatic sources said he already had formed a Cabinet, including economists and technocrats to handle the massive task of reconstruction.
    3. Nor are the free marketeer technocrats among the Socialists overjoyed by the extent of the party's defeat of the liberals and governing conservatives.
    4. Mr Alejandro Toledo, a respected economist, is also running as head of a new 'independent movement of professionals and technocrats', calling itself 'Peru Possible'.
    5. The new one is a mix of prominent politicians and technocrats, with only two ministers retaining the seats they occupied in Mikulic's government.
    6. 'Prices have been completely obscured by the Common Agricultural Policy, not determined by the market but by technocrats in Brussels.
    7. Rafsanjani dumped Mohtashemi and other hard-liners in his proposed Cabinet in favor of technocrats, though more than half of parliament called on him to keep Mohtashemi.
    8. President Sadat wouldn't tolerate dissent from his visionary views and insisted on imperial treatment, but Mr. Mubarak has a modest manner and looks to technocrats for solutions.
    9. Rafsanjani generally has appointed moderate, educated technocrats rather than ideologically committed revolutionaries.
    10. He said the government would be comprised of technocrats, academics, economists and legal experts, and at least three of its ministers would be from s say they should be based on the Israeli-occupied territories captured in 1967.
    11. Slightly built, bald and barely 40, Mr. Salinas is the latest of the technocrats who have taken control of the PRI in the past generation.
    12. Rafsanjani recently won parliamentary approval for a 22-man Cabinet consisting largely of technocrats, many Western-educated, and his administration is making positive gestures to ease strains with some foes.
    13. Party cadres will find themselves out of work, but lower-ranking technocrats are needed for continuity, Cesar said.
    14. It is made up of old hands and new, Washington veterans and novices, technocrats and thinkers. As promised, it contains more women and members of minority groups than any before it.
    15. The Front, a loose grouping of former Communists, workers and technocrats, says it favors a gradual move toward a free market economy to avoid high unemployment.
    16. He asked parliament deputies to fairly evaluate the technocrats he has nominated.
    17. As such, it is the latest in a series of policy reviews that Europe's technocrats have been carrying out for the past year.
    18. In fact, the biggest worry these days among the technocrats who engineered Korea's economic "miracle" isn't the health of the economy.
    19. The borrowed money also created a veritable army of big-spending "technocrats" who in turn proliferated bureaucracies generally unaccountable to public scrutiny.
    20. Now he plays the arbiter between technocrats, trade unionists and the myriad groups within the broad and heterogeneous governing party. As foreign minister, Mr Horn visited the US.
    21. Students and academics here said most exchange students are the children of party members, professionals, intellectuals, teachers and technocrats.
    22. Merbah's new ministers are university professors, technocrats and businessmen apparently chosen for their skills rather than political reasons.
    23. And with the quiet pragmatism of Mr. Guzman Cabrera replacing the prickly populism of La Quina, government technocrats have been given a free hand to open the petrochemical sector to wider private and foreign investment.
    24. His running-mates are 'independents, pragmatists, technocrats' - above all, non-politicians. 'Peruvians are rejecting the politics of the past,' says Mr Torrado.
    25. Liberal technocrats stress communications technology and the internationalist possibilities personal computers and FAX machines embody.
    26. Mr Ciampi is a former central bank governor who has made much of his current role as leader of an 'institutional' government of technocrats largely independent from party politics.
    27. This is a problem for members of the EC press corps, who are fed Eurobabble at the daily briefing and are then confronted by publicity-shy technocrats for the rest of the day.
    28. In a recent speech, Castro railed against what he called technocrats who had the "crazy idea" that farm workers would exert themselves while earning 80 pesos a month, less than $70.
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