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 swarm [swɔrm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 群, 大群, 蜂群, 分蜂群

vi. 分群, 群集, 聚集一块, 云集, 攀

vt. 挤满, 爬, 攀

[医] 丛集, 群集

    [ noun ]
    1. a moving crowd

    2. <noun.group>
    3. a group of many things in the air or on the ground

    4. <noun.group>
      a swarm of insects obscured the light
      clouds of blossoms
      it discharged a cloud of spores
    [ verb ]
    1. be teeming, be abuzz

    2. <verb.stative> pullulate teem
      The garden was swarming with bees
      The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen
      her mind pullulated with worries
    3. move in large numbers

    4. <verb.motion>
      pour pullulate stream teem
      people were pouring out of the theater
      beggars pullulated in the plaza

    Swarm \Swarm\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Swarmed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To collect, and depart from a hive by flight in a body; --
    said of bees; as, bees swarm in warm, clear days in

    2. To appear or collect in a crowd; to throng together; to
    congregate in a multitude. --Chaucer.

    3. To be crowded; to be thronged with a multitude of beings
    in motion.

    Every place swarms with soldiers. --Spenser.

    4. To abound; to be filled (with). --Atterbury.

    5. To breed multitudes.

    Not so thick swarmed once the soil
    Bedropped with blood of Gorgon. --Milton.

    Swarm \Swarm\, v. i. [Cf. {Swerve}.]
    To climb a tree, pole, or the like, by embracing it with the
    arms and legs alternately. See {Shin}. [Colloq.]

    At the top was placed a piece of money, as a prize for
    those who could swarm up and seize it. --W. Coxe.

    Swarm \Swarm\, n. [OE. swarm, AS. swearm; akin to D. zwerm, G.
    schwarm, OHG. swaram, Icel. svarmr a tumult, Sw. sv["a]rm a
    swarm, Dan. sv[ae]rm, and G. schwirren to whiz, to buzz, Skr.
    svar to sound, and perhaps to E. swear. [root]177. Cf.
    {Swerve}, {Swirl}.]
    1. A large number or mass of small animals or insects,
    especially when in motion. ``A deadly swarm of hornets.''

    2. Especially, a great number of honeybees which emigrate
    from a hive at once, and seek new lodgings under the
    direction of a queen; a like body of bees settled
    permanently in a hive. ``A swarm of bees.'' --Chaucer.

    3. Hence, any great number or multitude, as of people in
    motion, or sometimes of inanimate objects; as, a swarm of

    Those prodigious swarms that had settled themselves
    in every part of it [Italy]. --Addison.

    Syn: Multitude; crowd; throng.

    Swarm \Swarm\, v. t.
    To crowd or throng. --Fanshawe.

    1. There is, of course, nothing wrong with the air other than a swarm of gnats.
    2. The dragons of fairy tales really may have existed, and a violent collision between Earth and a swarm of comets is overdue.
    3. Zenny said the locusts could be part of a swarm the FAO has been tracking since early October.
    4. Scientists have expected them since a swarm was trapped last November about 150 miles south of Brownsville in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas.
    5. "They are going to explode in the next two weeks and form massive swarms which will affect large areas of agricultural lands," he said, adding that the size of each swarm could cover hundreds of square miles.
    6. As adults swarm around her she stands there mute; her mother has just been killed.
    7. The locusts have been seen flying around Dominica but so far no swarm has been seen.
    8. Isolated and dreary all winter long, Leh springs to life in summer when vegetables ripen in the fields and tourists swarm in from 11,500 feet below, filling up 80 hotels and guest houses in the world's highest desert.
    9. Some crops are destroyed by the flying swarm, but most of the destruction occurs after the insects lay eggs at night.
    10. A preacher was stung to death by a swarm of bees that invaded a church service in central Nigeria, Radio Nigeria reported Monday.
    11. "Who's going to buy this?" he asks, holding up a cellophane-wrapped hunk of a vegetable called pium kim that is besieged by a swarm of tiny flies.
    12. USDA trapped two swarms during the weekend along the Rio Grande less than a mile from where the Africanized swarm was caught, but the bees probably are not Africanized, Ms. Quintero said.
    13. Mr. Phacos was immediately called back to Switzerland, and a swarm of Manufacturers accountants and lawyers from New York descended on Geneva.
    14. In one swarm, several traders started to come to blows just before the 4:15 p.m. closing bell, but were pulled apart by others.
    15. Africanized bees can be aggressive when threatened and swarm quickly against an intruder.
    16. Usually shoppers swarm stores in the days immediately after Thanksgiving and then lose interest until the final, frantic days just before Christmas.
    17. A 16-month-old-girl was in extremely critical condition Wednesday after being bitten by a swarm of ants in her back yard, a hospital spokeswoman said.
    18. Moving along with the leaders was a remarkable swarm of security agents.
    19. Flies swarm through holes in the ceiling, cockroaches flee into the bowed walls, and workers haul trash and cooked crabmeat around on the same cart.
    20. A swarm of about 500 Africanized honeybees, popularly known as "killer bees," has been destroyed at Miami's port, state officials said.
    21. A swarm of mild earthquakes struck southeastern California near the Salton Sea early today, but police said the temblors were barely noticed and there were no injuries and no damage.
    22. It was typical of the outpouring of goodwill that has greeted the swarm of Americans and other foreigners, mostly journalists, who have descended on Moscow for the meetings between Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev and Reagan.
    23. Salem Lawzi, Agriculture Ministry undersecretary, told state-run Radio Jordan that one swarm of locusts covered four square miles of the Al-Mudawarah area along the southern border with Saudi Arabia on Thursday.
    24. Col. Merritt and his swarm of tanks enjoy other enormous strengths.
    25. A dozen French archaeologists are racing against a swarm of bulldozers in this coastal village, trying to save precious history before it is churned to pieces by construction of the tunnel under the English Channel.
    26. Typifying the protective measures was a swarm of helicopters that accompanied President Bush from Barranquilla, 60 miles northeast of here, to the summit site at a heavily fortified naval base.
    27. Tests range from freeing houseflies in chemical-filled cubicles, to spraying a person's arms with repellent and sticking them into a mosquito swarm.
    28. In Oman, where locusts invaded a 14-mile stretch in the eastern Sharqiya region two years ago and stripped the area of vegetation, worried farmers raised the alarm when when they spotted a massive swarm north of the capital Muscat last month.
    29. If the Fed raises interest rates to keep inflation frm heating, up in the strong economy, foreign investors may swarm in to take advantage of the attractive yields.
    30. The program, dBASE IV, to be shipped at the end of July, is Ashton-Tate's response to the swarm of competitors that are offering data base management programs for personal computers.
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