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 swarming [swɔrm添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Swarm \Swarm\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Swarmed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To collect, and depart from a hive by flight in a body; --
    said of bees; as, bees swarm in warm, clear days in

    2. To appear or collect in a crowd; to throng together; to
    congregate in a multitude. --Chaucer.

    3. To be crowded; to be thronged with a multitude of beings
    in motion.

    Every place swarms with soldiers. --Spenser.

    4. To abound; to be filled (with). --Atterbury.

    5. To breed multitudes.

    Not so thick swarmed once the soil
    Bedropped with blood of Gorgon. --Milton.

    1. It was never illuminating, only distracting. Even before the opera began the inmates of the Bedlam asylum were swarming over the stage; that they were all female, and found themselves in some pretty lurid postures raised suspicions from the start.
    2. Add the cars swarming on to the streets, the jammed packed trolley buses, the motorbikes and hand carts, and there is a sure recipe for chaos. Yet somehow, Shanghai gets by.
    3. About the same time, other agents were swarming over Mr. Cernuda's book-publishing office in Miami's Little Havana.
    4. About 12,000 bees, apparently swarming or looking for a new hive, had flown down the chimney and tried to take up residence in the Brehm house.
    5. "The first sign of the terrible threat of an epidemic _ dead dogs and swarming rats _ are forcing rescue teams to hurry, since no leveling of the town can be done with corpses still remaining in their stone graves," he said.
    6. Outside, the tarmac was swarming with security officials, Italian police and firefighters, passengers said.
    7. Beginning as earth-bound "hoppers" in larva form, they accumulate and nestle, then move into their swarming _ and ravenous _ phase, poised for takeoff with the right combination of hot wind and humidity.
    8. What is certain about Basra is that disease is rife there. "All the refugees say there is sewage in the streets and rats swarming everywhere," says an Iranian aid worker.
    9. But, "Libra" suggests, just as an enormous number of monkeys on an enormous number of typewriters would someday produce Shakespeare, so a nation swarming with shamed, angry men and others who would manipulate them will eventually breed assassins.
    10. Killer bees (bankers and lawyers whose mission in life is to turn attractive companies into less attractive acquisition candidates) are swarming around the place as well.
    11. The Killer Bs are swarming.
    12. The 1992 Summer Olympic Games will be going on in nearby Barcelona, bikinis will be swarming the beaches at the nearby Costa del Sol, and a Disneyland is opening in nearby France.
    13. Short-sellers are swarming around Catalyst, offering a host of reasons the buy-out won't succeed.
    14. South African mining houses are swarming over the rest of Africa and in parts of South America and Europe, while industrial companies like Sappi and the then Royal Foods (now Del Monte International) have made large offshore transactions.
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