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 supplemental [`sʌplə'mɛntl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 补足的, 追加的

[医] 补充的, 补足的

[经] 追加的, 补充的, 增补的

    [ adj ]
    1. functioning in a supporting capacity

    2. <adj.all>
      the main library and its auxiliary branches
    3. added to complete or make up a deficiency

    4. <adj.all>
      produced supplementary volumes

    Supplemental \Sup`ple*men"tal\, Supplementary
    \Sup`ple*men"ta*ry\, a. [Cf. F. suppl['e]mentaire.]
    Added to supply what is wanted; additional; being, or serving
    as, a supplement; as, a supplemental law; a supplementary
    sheet or volume.

    {Supplemental air} (Physiol.), the air which in addition to
    the residual air remains in the lungs after ordinary
    expiration, but which, unlike the residual air, can be
    expelled; reserve air.

    {Supplemental bill} (Equity), a bill filed in aid of an
    original bill to supply some deffect in the latter, or to
    set forth new facts which can not be done by amendment.
    --Burrill. --Daniel.

    {Supplementary chords} (Math.), in an ellipse or hyperbola,
    any two chords drawn through the extremities of a
    diameter, and intersecting on the curve.

    1. WASHINGTON _ The House takes up the 1990 budget resolution and possibly the 1989 emergency supplemental spending bill.
    2. Yesterday, a top official in Bonn's Finance Ministry said the country was working on a new supplemental budget to cover the spiraling costs of German unity.
    3. Cuts promised in the autumn of 1987 can easily be restored in the supplemental budget in the election-year summer of 1988.
    4. The Washington, D.C.-based service will become the first supplemental news service to offer both electronic graphics and daily black and white and color photos to subscribing newspapers, the companies said.
    5. It predicts that 5 percent of the elderly in 1989 and 10 percent in 1993 will pay the maximum supplemental premium.
    6. Workers in a few industries, such as auto and steel, received supplemental income assistance to tide them over.
    7. The board will consider a similar supplemental dividend during 1990, Ogden said.
    8. New York state will start withholding taxes at a higher rate on bonuses, commissions and other supplemental wages under a plan designed chiefly to catch tax cheats in the financial services industry, officials announced yesterday.
    9. There also is a widespread concern that the Pentagon may try to inflate supplemental requests, including funding for items not directly related to the war.
    10. Byrd, D-W.Va., said the matter could come before the Senate by mid-week, when lawmakers will take up a supplemental money bill, or late in the week when they begin work on a Pentagon funding measure.
    11. The new ambassador was confirmed on a voice vote moments after the Senate gave final approval to a supplemental money bill that includes $300 million as the first installment in a new U.S. aid program for Nicaragua.
    12. The Robinses, who were demanding the inclusion of a supplemental agreement that would protect them from personal injury suits after the merger agreement, changed their position, according to an attorney for Rorer.
    13. The other 50% of the program would be paid by those Medicare beneficiaries in the top 40% of the group's income brackets, who would pay an income-related supplemental premium for the general catastrophic plan.
    14. The rest of the money comes from a flat supplemental premium, levied on all but the poorest beneficiaries, set at $4.90 a month in 1990.
    15. Meanwhile, the GAO has followed up its initial review with a supplemental report to Yeutter about the need for improved workforce planning in his department.
    16. This week both houses of Congress are wrestling with that issue, the Senate in a supplemental appropriations bill for this year, and the House in a bill to authorize defense spending for next year.
    17. Another factor was a drop in government expenditures, reflecting the fact that the effects of a five trillion-yen ($37.2 billion) supplemental budget approved in mid-1987 finally have ended.
    18. Always a forbidding exercise, the supplemental spending bills this year are more complicated because of the overlapping jurisdictions, and new rules and sources of financing.
    19. The law set up a supplemental insurance medical plan for senior citizens and has triggered objections because it requires seniors to pay a surtax on their income taxes for the coverage.
    20. The agency's budget this year is $587 million and a $13 million supplemental appropriation is pending in Congress.
    21. The bill adjusts the credit based on family size and provides a supplemental $500 credit for eligible families with children under the age of 1.
    22. The supplemental appropriation measure for Panama likely will be an attractive target for lawmakers looking for a must-pass vehicle for other pet proposals.
    23. Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., has proposed a $47 million Contra aid package and has said he wants to attach it to the supplemental spending measure.
    24. Insurance agents will work with you to arrive at an appropriate supplemental amount.
    25. Some were staked. All received the same supplemental irrigation and fertilizer.
    26. The Pentagon announced Friday that it has readjusted a key supplemental housing allowance and more than 800,000 people in the military services will see a small increase in that part of their paycheck.
    27. A line was added to Forms 1040 and 1040A for taxpayers to enter the new supplemental Medicare premium if they are liable for it.
    28. There is the farm wife in her thirties who's taken on three supplemental jobs.
    29. The project is frozen pending a "supplemental environmental impact statement" due in November.
    30. Baker said a supplemental money request also would be sent to Congress to extend U.S. aid to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, who are encamped in Honduras along the Nicaraguan border.
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