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 supplemental air 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 储气(补呼气)

    Supplemental \Sup`ple*men"tal\, Supplementary
    \Sup`ple*men"ta*ry\, a. [Cf. F. suppl['e]mentaire.]
    Added to supply what is wanted; additional; being, or serving
    as, a supplement; as, a supplemental law; a supplementary
    sheet or volume.

    {Supplemental air} (Physiol.), the air which in addition to
    the residual air remains in the lungs after ordinary
    expiration, but which, unlike the residual air, can be
    expelled; reserve air.

    {Supplemental bill} (Equity), a bill filed in aid of an
    original bill to supply some deffect in the latter, or to
    set forth new facts which can not be done by amendment.
    --Burrill. --Daniel.

    {Supplementary chords} (Math.), in an ellipse or hyperbola,
    any two chords drawn through the extremities of a
    diameter, and intersecting on the curve.

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