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 stunning ['stʌniŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 打昏迷的, 弄得人昏头昏脑的, 令人震惊的

    [ adj ]
    1. commanding attention

    2. <adj.all>
      an arresting drawing of people turning into animals
      a sensational concert--one never to be forgotten
      a stunning performance
    3. causing great astonishment and consternation

    4. <adj.all>
      the strike came as a stunning protest against management
      a stunning defeat
    5. causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility

    6. <adj.all>
      laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow
      a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke
    7. strikingly beautiful or attractive

    8. <adj.all>
      quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high-bosomed figure
      stunning photographs of Canada's wilderness areas

    Stun \Stun\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stunned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Stunning}.] [OE. stonien, stownien; either fr. AS. stunian
    to resound (cf. D. stenen to groan, G. st["o]hnen, Icel.
    stynja, Gr. ?, Skr. stan to thunder, and E. thunder), or from
    the same source as E. astonish. [root]168.]
    1. To make senseless or dizzy by violence; to render
    senseless by a blow, as on the head.

    One hung a poleax at his saddlebow,
    And one a heavy mace to stun the foe. --Dryden.

    2. To dull or deaden the sensibility of; to overcome;
    especially, to overpower one's sense of hearing.

    And stunned him with the music of the spheres.

    3. To astonish; to overpower; to bewilder.

    William was quite stunned at my discourse. --De Foe.

    Stunning \Stun"ning\, a.
    1. Overpowering consciousness; overpowering the senses;
    especially, overpowering the sense of hearing; confounding
    with noise.

    2. Striking or overpowering with astonishment, especially on
    account of excellence; as, stunning poetry. [Slang] --C.
    Kingsley. -- {Stun"ning*ly}, adv. [Slang]

    1. "We're rarin' to go," declared British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the euphoria of her stunning 101-seat victory in Thursday's general election.
    2. "I don't know whether it's going to be next week or next month or sometime later, but the market is assuming that we're going to see a stunning upsurge in consumer spending," he said.
    3. But the overall effect is stunning, food that is appetising and full of flavour, and a menu that makes choice difficult. Close to the restaurant the Roellingers have a small house, Les Rimains, with six rooms overlooking the sea.
    4. Yeltsin's win marked a stunning political comeback following his dramatic fall from grace in 1987, when he was ousted as Moscow party chief and later fired as a non-voting member of the ruling Politburo.
    5. "The Ivory Trade" continues the story, beginning with Mr. Cliburn's stunning 1958 Tchaikovsky Competition victory in Moscow, which made the lanky American a national hero overnight.
    6. One tableau of "The Imperial White Nights" is a stunning succession of gossamer-light silvery embroidered dresses.
    7. The most visually stunning finds are the olive oil works, where giant stone crushers, weights and storage chambers are virtually undamaged.
    8. Here is an alphabetical list of 20 top movies of the '80s as compiled by the editors of The Associated Press: "AMADEUS" _ A stunning, gorgeous-looking requiem for a child prodigy, directed with style and ferocity by Milos Forman.
    9. But that stunning red dress is once seen, never forgotten.' For designer Donald Campbell, who has many private customers for whom he makes to measure, it is a matter of discretion.
    10. That conclusion emerges from a new poll that discloses a stunning level of public ignorance about Central America, despite President Reagan's seven-year effort to focus attention on the region.
    11. Olin, who so impressed with her role as one of the passionate lovers in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," gives a stunning and moving performance as the troubled Masha.
    12. But that stunning vote, the first defeat dealt the conservatives in 34 years, was only the political manifestation of a broader trend in Japanese society.
    13. Dismantling the U.S.-backed force has emerged as a critical element in a peaceful transition in Nicaragua following the opposition's stunning electoral triumph Sunday over the leftist Sandinistas.
    14. He writes, "We would caution against extrapolating the stunning success of the military to the performance of the domestic economy." Finally, Mr. Grigoli notes, stocks aren't cheap.
    15. They duplicate each other move-for-move in a stunning demonstration of the great dancer's sublime perfection.
    16. The most stunning reversal came when two of the three judges invalidated an SEC rule adopted in 1980 that has been the favorite of overzealous regulators.
    17. Then the husband forgave the wife, perhaps the most stunning element of the story.
    18. Does Bill Clinton's stunning victory change anything?
    19. Four years ago Walter Mondale barreled out of Iowa with a big victory only to watch Gary Hart, then an unknown Colorado senator, win a stunning upset in the Democratic primary.
    20. Mutual funds have seen stunning growth in recent years.
    21. Ortega suffers a stunning upset at the hands of a nation weary of war and financial ruin, the latter caused in part by U.S. economic embargo.
    22. The improvement in operating earnings wasn't stunning in comparison with the fourfold increase in net income reported last week by Allegis Corp., the parent of United Airlines.
    23. In a series of stunning changes capping a Central Committee meeting devoted to ethnic affairs, two candidate members of the Politburo also were named.
    24. Though stocks moved in narrow ranges for most of the session, traders saw pockets of investor activity such as a stunning plunge in airline stocks.
    25. He said that with the market's stunning plunge from its late August peak, a great deal of bad news has already been discounted, perhaps even a recession next year.
    26. "There was a stunning view of that large sunspot group," Krupp said.
    27. In a stunning upset to the merger plans, the Interstate Commerce Commission denied approval earlier this year and ordered Santa Fe to sell the railroad with much of its valuable real estate.
    28. The storage capacity of both optical and magnetic disks has reached stunning levels.
    29. Development of products moves at a stunning pace in the computer industry, for example.
    30. History books already need updating to reflect last week's stunning events in East Germany, and academics and their students watch as each day's headlines make the previous day's reading assignment obsolete.
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