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 stupendous [stju:'pendәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 惊人的, 巨大的

    [ adj ]
    so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
    colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient templehas a colossal nerve
    a prodigious storm
    a stupendous field of grass
    stupendous demand

    Stupendous \Stu*pen"dous\, a. [L. stupendus astonishing, p.
    future pass. of stupere to be astonished at. Cf. {Stupid}.]
    Astonishing; wonderful; amazing; especially, astonishing in
    magnitude or elevation; as, a stupendous pile. ``A stupendous
    sum.'' --Macaulay.

    All are but parts of one stupendous whole. --Pope.
    -- {Stu*pen"dous*ly}, adv. --
    {Stu*pen"dous*ness}, n.

    1. But from the river below, bay windows and balconies bespeak a rich residence designed to take private advantage of a stupendous site.
    2. They salute the stupendous job Michael Kinsley does editing The New Republic, but don't even mention Leon Wieseltier's fine literary section.
    3. "It was a great quarter instead of a stupendous quarter," said Mr. Fredericks.
    4. It's so beautiful, it's stupendous.
    5. Much of it concerns the dangers and deprivations of life underground, for the risks of such work have been endemic and, at times, stupendous.
    6. Contrast this sketch to his stupendous Alpine landscape with a village in the foreground and a river coursing under a crag topped by a castle.
    7. I'm sad to say it, but we are strong.' Unwary people could be fooled by the Rijksmuseum's cunningly chosen poster for its stupendous and extremely costly new exhibition.
    8. Capitalism produced a stupendous increase in economic productivity, but it did not eliminate poverty.
    9. His work has since been interrupted by sporadic gunfire, but Graham thinks a worse crime is cutting up these stupendous slabs into slices a mule can carry across the border into Belize for illicit export to eager buyers.
    10. Of course, what was accomplished between 1945 and 1955 was stupendous.
    11. "There have not been this many horsemen together since the Battle of the Little Big Horn," said Barry McWilliams, an organizer. "It is stupendous.
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