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 snipping ['snipiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 碎片

    [ noun ]
    a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)

    Snip \Snip\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Snipped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Snipping}.] [D. snippen; akin to G. schnippen.]
    To cut off the nip or neb of, or to cut off at once with
    shears or scissors; to clip off suddenly; to nip; hence, to
    break off; to snatch away.

    Curbed and snipped in my younger years by fear of my
    parents from those vicious excrescences to which that
    age was subject. --Fuller.

    The captain seldom ordered anything out of the ship's
    stores . . . but I snipped some of it for my own share.
    --De Foe.

    1. "For many people that slightly higher risk is worth taking, in order to get an earlier result." CVS is performed by snipping a tiny bit of tissue from the edge of the placenta surrounding the fetus.
    2. "I'm not worried about his alligator snipping off my kids' toes," Foye said. "They shouldn't be in the tavern anyway." Mayor Bob Trumbull encouraged drafting the amendment and having a hearing Jan. 2.
    3. Developer Donald Trump marked the restart of construction on his newly purchased Taj Mahal casino project by inviting guests into a chilly arena and snipping a gilded ribbon.
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