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 snobbish ['snɒbiʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 自命不凡的, 势利的

    [ adj ]
    befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior

    Snobbish \Snob"bish\, a.
    Of or pertaining to a snob; characteristic of, or befitting,
    a snob; vulgarly pretentious. -- {Snob"bish*ly}, adv.

    1. But to push its snobbish image, it advertises using a portrait of a tuxedo-clad Afghan hound posing next to a Persian cat wearing a red cocktail dress.
    2. But any of us who shared that reaction should surely need only a second's thought to give us reason to feel ashamed of our snobbish reflexes.
    3. "I've been offered series," he says. "I'm not snobbish about television.
    4. Standard-issue portraits of flaky Californians, snobbish homosexuals and Neanderthal union leaders undermine the force of the author's perceptions.
    5. "I think it's a snobbish, superficial symbol that represents wealth and greed and is a very narrow interpretation of what business represents," says Eve Stacey, who as women's team captain has worn the $.
    6. I distrust people who are snobbish about sight-seeing, and would dislike anyone who had a rude word to say about this fountain.
    7. One accused the authorities of acting like a 'snobbish country club' and argued that involvement by the Japanese, who have their own popular baseball leagues, could enrich the game and make it more appealing internationally.
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