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 sick bed 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Sick \Sick\, a. [Compar. {Sicker}; superl. {Sickest}.] [OE. sek,
    sik, ill, AS. se['o]c; akin to OS. siok, seoc, OFries. siak,
    D. ziek, G. siech, OHG. sioh, Icel. sj?kr, Sw. sjuk, Dan.
    syg, Goth. siuks ill, siukan to be ill.]
    1. Affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in
    health. See the Synonym under {Illness}.

    Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever. --Mark i.

    Behold them that are sick with famine. --Jer. xiv.

    2. Affected with, or attended by, nausea; inclined to vomit;
    as, sick at the stomach; a sick headache.

    3. Having a strong dislike; disgusted; surfeited; -- with of;
    as, to be sick of flattery.

    He was not so sick of his master as of his work.

    4. Corrupted; imperfect; impaired; weakned.

    So great is his antipathy against episcopacy, that,
    if a seraphim himself should be a bishop, he would
    either find or make some sick feathers in his wings.

    {Sick bay} (Naut.), an apartment in a vessel, used as the
    ship's hospital.

    {Sick bed}, the bed upon which a person lies sick.

    {Sick berth}, an apartment for the sick in a ship of war.

    {Sick headache} (Med.), a variety of headache attended with
    disorder of the stomach and nausea.

    {Sick list}, a list containing the names of the sick.

    {Sick room}, a room in which a person lies sick, or to which
    he is confined by sickness.

    Note: [These terms, sick bed, sick berth, etc., are also
    written both hyphened and solid.]

    Syn: Diseased; ill; disordered; distempered; indisposed;
    weak; ailing; feeble; morbid.

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