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 sicker ['sikə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Sick \Sick\, a. [Compar. {Sicker}; superl. {Sickest}.] [OE. sek,
    sik, ill, AS. se['o]c; akin to OS. siok, seoc, OFries. siak,
    D. ziek, G. siech, OHG. sioh, Icel. sj?kr, Sw. sjuk, Dan.
    syg, Goth. siuks ill, siukan to be ill.]
    1. Affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in
    health. See the Synonym under {Illness}.

    Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever. --Mark i.

    Behold them that are sick with famine. --Jer. xiv.

    2. Affected with, or attended by, nausea; inclined to vomit;
    as, sick at the stomach; a sick headache.

    3. Having a strong dislike; disgusted; surfeited; -- with of;
    as, to be sick of flattery.

    He was not so sick of his master as of his work.

    4. Corrupted; imperfect; impaired; weakned.

    So great is his antipathy against episcopacy, that,
    if a seraphim himself should be a bishop, he would
    either find or make some sick feathers in his wings.

    {Sick bay} (Naut.), an apartment in a vessel, used as the
    ship's hospital.

    {Sick bed}, the bed upon which a person lies sick.

    {Sick berth}, an apartment for the sick in a ship of war.

    {Sick headache} (Med.), a variety of headache attended with
    disorder of the stomach and nausea.

    {Sick list}, a list containing the names of the sick.

    {Sick room}, a room in which a person lies sick, or to which
    he is confined by sickness.

    Note: [These terms, sick bed, sick berth, etc., are also
    written both hyphened and solid.]

    Syn: Diseased; ill; disordered; distempered; indisposed;
    weak; ailing; feeble; morbid.

    Sicker \Sick"er\, v. i. [AS. sicerian.] (Mining)
    To percolate, trickle, or ooze, as water through a crack.
    [Also written {sigger}, {zigger}, and {zifhyr}.] [Prov. Eng.]

    Sicker \Sick"er\, Siker \Sik"er\, a. [OE. siker; cf. OS. sikur,
    LG. seker, D. zeker, Dan. sikker, OHG. sihhur, G. sicher; all
    fr. L. securus. See {Secure}, {Sure}.]
    Sure; certain; trusty. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.] --Burns.

    When he is siker of his good name. --Chaucer.

    Sicker \Sick"er\, Siker \Sik"er\, adv.
    Surely; certainly. [Obs.]

    Believe this as siker as your creed. --Chaucer.

    Sicker, Willye, thou warnest well. --Spenser.

    1. It reasoned that higher mortality was to be expected in the giveaway programs, because those patients tended to be sicker than hand-picked study participants.
    2. "That leaves the medical plan with an older, sicker population, which drives health costs up faster," Mr. Erb says.
    3. Advanced technology saves ever smaller and sicker infants, but sometimes at a terrible physical cost.
    4. Sarina was much sicker than Alyssa at the time of her operation, which makes her recovery slower, Easton said.
    5. "There are veterans who are being turned away and they are getting sicker or dying as a result," he said.
    6. Several scientists suggested the patients receiving a placebo or sugar pill as a control, who should have been carefully selected to match patients in the drug group, were perhaps sicker at the outset.
    7. The three doctors were notified of the findings and soon afterward, beds opened up, allowing other, sicker children to be admitted, Dr. Sanders says.
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