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 scented ['sɛntɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有香味的, 洒了香水的, 有嗅觉的

    [ adj ]
    1. having the sense of smell

    2. <adj.all>
      keen-scented hounds
    3. filled or impregnated with perfume

    4. <adj.all>
      perfumed boudoir
      perfumed stationery
      scented soap
    5. having a natural fragrance

    6. <adj.all>
      odoriferous spices
      the odorous air of the orchard
      the perfumed air of June
      scented flowers
    7. (used in combination) having the odor of

    8. <adj.all>
      clean-scented laundry
      a manure-scented barnyard

    Scent \Scent\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scented}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Scenting}.] [Originally sent, fr. F. sentir to feel, to
    smell. See {Sense}.]
    1. To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to
    scent game, as a hound does.

    Methinks I scent the morning air. --Shak.

    2. To imbue or fill with odor; to perfume.

    Balm from a silver box distilled around,
    Shall all bedew the roots, and scent the sacred
    ground. --Dryden.

    1. It replaced ones made of goat hair, which had to be powdered and dressed with scented ointment every day to conceal the filth.
    2. Several new roses will be launched including the Thomas Barton Rose from French breeder Alain Meilland. There will also be a competition to decide the best scented rose and the national competitions for both amateur rose growers and floral artists.
    3. Pretty, very pale, dry and scented. Bouvier Trockenbeerenauslese 1989 Pounds 5.85 (half).
    4. There've been pop-up ads, scented ads, even a magazine spread that played Christmas music.
    5. It sells scented pantyhose in Japan, where it just introduced insect-repellent hose.
    6. But Hilary Schmidt, a psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, recently tested 18 nine-month-old babies by giving them scented rattles to play with.
    7. And the zesty, oil-laden rind is scented so gloriously that 'ice and a slice' has taken on new meaning.
    8. Steve Wynn, the hotel-casino builder who promised "a wonderment the world will flock to see," on Wednesday opened the glitzy $630 million Mirage Hotel _ scented volcano and all _ on the Las Vegas Strip.
    9. She said the application for trademark was submitted about two years ago, when the company began producing the scented yarn.
    10. Persicum is scented sweetly and its small petals are reflexed - like Piglet's ears in a high wind, in Ernest Shepherd's drawings.
    11. Lively, peppery, insubstantial but impressively scented.
    12. By the time I scented the salt air of Galway Bay I was feeling transcendent. Fifteen minutes later, at the end of a two-mile tailback into Galway town, it all came crashing down.
    13. Amid a romantic setting of classical music and tufted pink ottomans, scented padded hangers hold silk bathrobes and satin nightgowns.
    14. Dennis Adams, a University of Nebraska extension forester, said many subscribe to the old folk remedy that uses small pieces of scented soap to help prevent deer from damaging trees.
    15. Sprouting from a single seed, it grew as the nation did, from a few scented needles to a 74-foot sentry of the forest.
    16. The bartender breaks out the scented candles.
    17. A US study researched the effect of odours on product perception by getting individuals to examine Nike sneakers in two rooms: one fitted with purified air, the other scented with a floral smell.
    18. It's the scented magazine ads I dab on before going out.
    19. Neither is especially scented, if I remember correctly, but could they not go on general UK release? Instead, my year begins early in June with Atlas, bought five years ago on 'spec' from Hopleys in Hertfordshire.
    20. I much prefer the pale yellow, but all of them are scented charmingly on a mild afternoon. The winter-flowering daphnes will also be worth visiting.
    21. By a grass path stood an evergreen daphne, over 4ft high and wide, smothered in scented flowers of a pale pink. Sometimes, these close encounters make you want to turn a somersault.
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