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 sceptical ['skeptikl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 怀疑论的, 怀疑的

    [ adj ]
    1. marked by or given to doubt

    2. <adj.all>
      a skeptical attitude
      a skeptical listener
    3. denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion

    4. <adj.all>
      a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles

    Sceptic \Scep"tic\, Sceptical \Scep"tic*al\, Scepticism
    \Scep"ti*cism\, etc.
    See {Skeptic}, {Skeptical}, {Skepticism}, etc.

    1. All these industries were sceptical and said they wouldn't use the contracts, but today they are involved in futures for hedging. Mr Sandor said: 'It is unambiguously incorrect to view this market differently than other markets.'
    2. They seem sceptical but inclined to give him a chance.
    3. Rivals are deeply sceptical that the relatively unfamiliar mail-order approach will catch on. But if it wasn't a high-wire act, Waitt wouldn't be having fun - which he patently is.
    4. To be sceptical is to be intelligent in a thoughtful, Tory sort of way.
    5. Nor should the big fish be surprised if the small fry seem sceptical about their real intentions. The moral is that big companies need to work harder at achieving consistency in the messages they send within their organisations.
    6. Some candidates, even some area agents, are sceptical or mutinous. In the end most people go to the polling booths under the stimulus of the national campaign.
    7. He used to speak in long-winded sentences, but now he speaks very well.' Mr Allan Challenger, a psychiatric social worker, was more sceptical.
    8. It may prove difficult, though, to convince a sceptical Nigerian public.
    9. However, some observers are sceptical about the amount of interest that will be drummed up in Europe, given the small number of speculative funds relative to the US market.
    10. The only hurdle, therefore, seems to be the application itself and whether sceptical buyers see a real use for these systems in the workplace.
    11. Fenwick estimated time lost due to sickness and other absences has been cut by 100 hours to 150 hours a week. Previously sceptical employees are beginning to accept the changes.
    12. These hopes encouraged yields on 10-year bunds to come in to around 7.43 per cent from just over 7.5 per cent the day before. However, most analysts remained sceptical about a further cut in German interest rates.
    13. But when that crucial turning point arrives, Mr Greenspan will want to confront a sceptical Clinton administration with incontrovertible evidence of the need for action.
    14. Once again the market's reaction was sceptical and the PSBR figures no doubt had something to do with it.
    15. This is difficult material in every sense, in this sceptical age, and no other modern artist has taken it on, and on such a scale.
    16. Another, according to the more sceptical observers, is the derivatives markets - one of the few areas where banks are taking on additional credit exposure.
    17. Share prices fell as discouraged dealers and investment trusts sold out. Market participants remained sceptical about the success of the emergency measures in supporting the market.
    18. 'I've been flying these helicopters for 20 years and I have never heard of a mechanical failure,' said Mr Yuri Pornin, an Mi-17 representative, to a sceptical westerner.
    19. He says: 'We believe it keeps both of them on their toes.' Mr Lamb is sceptical of the claim that combining Wagonlit with Carlson will enable the combined group to deliver a more competitive service.
    20. Many Peruvians are sceptical. His speeches to his Andean Indian audience in Juliaca echoed his successful 1990 presidential campaign, which allowed him to come from nowhere to victory in little over three weeks.
    21. I haven't measured it, but if any government came in and said it was totally pure - first of all, if it's from Europe or Canada - I would be sceptical.
    22. Equally sceptical, Air France workers reflected the reservations of many by rejecting a pay cut to save jobs. Organised labour in Europe does not have the veto power it once did.
    23. All is, however, not lost for Europe's beleaguered consumer electronics industry. One must, for example, remain sceptical about the size of HDTV's potential market.
    24. 'I am very sceptical about this type of ranking.
    25. Many are sceptical that Mr Zedillo will be able to push through political and legal reforms on such a sweeping scale.
    26. Even the CBOT chairman, Mr Pat Arbor, was sceptical about the prospects of Liffe joining Globex.
    27. Many could not find employment after leaving school or university and became sceptical about their prospects.
    28. Paper bids are a good deal harder to sell to sceptical institutions. In any event, takeovers often feature much later in the economic cycle.
    29. It also shows optimism about winning the support of a sceptical electorate in a referendum on November 28 on joining the European Union.
    30. Grant Thornton, the accountancy firm, has therefore put a substantial corporate finance resource into Liverpool, headed by Mr Amin Amiri. Some advisers are sceptical about the management buy-out market anyway.
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