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 sartorial [sɑ:'tɒ:riәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 裁缝匠的, 缝工的, 裁缝的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to the sartorius muscle

    2. <adj.pert>
    3. of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring

    4. <adj.pert>

    Sartorial \Sar*to"ri*al\, a. [See {Sartorius}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to a tailor or his work.

    Our legs skulked under the table as free from
    sartorial impertinences as those of the noblest
    savages. --Lowell.

    2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the sartorius muscle.

    1. Style-conscious dogs may need more of their own sartorial ingenuity next year.
    2. Do you want your clothes at that meeting to say what Gordon Gekko's said? Just to get a second opinion, we called up another sartorial swami for advice on today's outfit.
    3. In this way the clothes I wear are very much part of the language of my business,' he says. And what a feast of sartorial semiotics they are.
    4. But the same accusation could be lodged against Mr. Timm, a 47-year-old ex-Chicago cop with the sartorial tastes of a banker.
    5. There seems a double theme: about conformity - the gang will not tolerate deviation from the sartorial code - and (with the appearance of a man dressed in rather more hip gear, with dreadlocks) about what young black men are expected to wear.
    6. I prefer to err on the side of being less dressed-up than I should be.' Her solution is sartorial schizophrenia.
    7. Besides food and literature, Mr. Gold's main indulgences are sartorial.
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