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 Sartre ['sɑ:trə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
萨特 (①姓氏 ②Jean Paul, 1905-1980, 法国哲学家、小说家、剧作家, 存在主义的提倡者, 曾以“谢绝一切来自官方的荣誉”为由拒绝接受 1964年诺贝尔文学奖)

    [ noun ]
    French writer and existentialist philosopher (1905-1980)

    1. Sartre, the French playwright and philosopher whose name will be forever coupled with existentialism and Simone de Beauvoir, died in 1980.
    2. The painter and the writer had both been adopted as significant manifestations of the spirit of Existentialism by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.
    3. Young people, the media report, have abandoned their Sartre and Nietzsche and have returned to the works of Mao, Marx and Lenin.
    4. But Sartre was more than a compulsive worker, an intellectual machine.
    5. In the 1950s, when French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was urged to tell the truth about the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, he answered that he would not speak up, because "Billancourt was not to be discouraged."
    6. Heidegger, one of the ranking philosophers of the 20th century, has been a particularly dominant figure in France, where his writings helped shape the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre and other thinkers.
    7. Mr. Frank also interjects absurdist phrases such as, "I'm sitting in a cafe in Paris, revolted by the roots of a chestnut tree," a reference to the novel "Nausea" by the late French author Jean-Paul Sartre.
    8. In his autobiography Sartre boasted that since he had no memory of his father, he had "no Superego."
    9. In 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, but turned it down, seeking to show his contempt for an honor he considered bourgeois.
    10. Not Moliere, nor Sartre, nor even Simenon, but the war pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
    11. A more successful dance is based on Sartre's "No Exit."
    12. She was too busy rushing from one Left Bank cafe to another, meeting friends and lovers, analyzing their relationships and writing it all in letters to Sartre _ all in the name of honesty.
    13. It was an attempt through a series of paradoxes to justify Genet's criminal way of life as an example of supreme courage. In 1954 Sartre published a major article on Giacometti in which he praised Giacometti's art more soberly than he had Genet's.
    14. Liberation's Robert Maggiori wrote that Sartre's political work has become "a mirror reflecting an epoch that doesn't exist any more, in a language that isn't spoken any more.
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