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 salivate ['sæliveit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 分泌唾液, 流涎

vt. 使分泌唾液

[医] 使流涎, 流涎

    [ verb ]
    1. produce saliva

    2. <verb.body>
      We salivated when he described the great meal
    3. be envious, desirous, eager for, or extremely happy about something

    4. <verb.emotion> drool
      She was salivating over the raise she anticipated

    Salivate \Sal"i*vate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Salivated}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Salivating}.] [L. salivatus, p. p. of salivare to
    salivate. See {Saliva}.]
    To produce an abnormal flow of saliva in; to produce
    salivation or ptyalism in, as by the use of mercury.
    v. i.

    1. To produce saliva, esp. in excess.

    2. To drool.

    3. (Fig.) To anticipate keenly with pleasure, as though
    salivating at the expectation of a delicious meal. Used
    often with over.; as, salivate over the prospects of high
    profits from an enterprise.

    Note: Probably influenced by the experiments of Pavlov, who
    trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, by
    previously ringing the bell immediately prior to
    feeding them.

    1. Publishers felt advertisers would salivate at the chance to reach an audience numbering about 12 million with estimated purchasing power of about $30 billion a year, malleable brand loyalties and promising earnings prospects.
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