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 salivating 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 流涎,分泌唾液,流口水;垂涎,渴望;使过量分泌唾液(salivate 的现在分词)

  1. Slowly I raised it andprepared to slip it around his throat and choke the breath of life outof the salivating four-eyed pygmy .
  2. Yet even investment bankers, who are salivating at the prospect of the fees they may earn, are not sure if this spike is the real deal.
  3. And how many of you are salivating right now?

Salivate \Sal"i*vate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Salivated}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Salivating}.] [L. salivatus, p. p. of salivare to
salivate. See {Saliva}.]
To produce an abnormal flow of saliva in; to produce
salivation or ptyalism in, as by the use of mercury.
v. i.

1. To produce saliva, esp. in excess.

2. To drool.

3. (Fig.) To anticipate keenly with pleasure, as though
salivating at the expectation of a delicious meal. Used
often with over.; as, salivate over the prospects of high
profits from an enterprise.

Note: Probably influenced by the experiments of Pavlov, who
trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, by
previously ringing the bell immediately prior to
feeding them.

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