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 refund [rɪ'fʌnd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 偿还

vt. 付还, 偿还借款

vi. 归还, 偿还

[经] 归还, 偿还; 退还款

    [ noun ]
    1. money returned to a payer

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. the act of returning money received previously

    4. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. pay back

    2. <verb.possession> give back repay return
      Please refund me my money

    Refund \Re*fund"\ (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [Pref. re- + fund.]
    To fund again or anew; to replace (a fund or loan) by a new
    fund; as, to refund a railroad loan.

    Refund \Re*fund"\ (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [L. refundere; pref. re- re-
    + fundere to pour: cf. F. refondre, refonder. See {Fuse} to
    melt, and cf. {Refound} to cast again, 1st {Refuse}.]
    1. To pour back. [R. & Obs.]

    Were the humors of the eye tinctured with any color,
    they would refund that color upon the object. --Ray.

    2. To give back; to repay; to restore.

    A governor, that had pillaged the people, was . . .
    sentenced to refund what he had wrongfully taken.

    3. To supply again with funds; to reimburse. [Obs.]

    1. The refund plan must still be approved by the bankruptcy court.
    2. To help fill this massive financing gap in the current quarter, the Treasury said it plans to sell $32.5 billion of notes and bonds this month to refund $20 billion of notes maturing on Aug. 15 and to raise $12.25 billion in cash.
    3. The White House also estimated the cost of the Gulf war could be as much as $70 billion, but said the U.S. would refund allied contributions, which total $53 billion, if they should exceed war costs.
    4. The Maryland National Bank challenged the tax, seeking a refund of $197,310 it paid under protest to the state for the years 1979 through 1982.
    5. The average refund through April 7 was $829.55, up from $815.77 a year earlier.
    6. The total amount of refund money available will be based on the volume of new Eastern tickets sold by the agents.
    7. The utility has been collecting for the plant's construction cost from its 3.1 million customers subject to a refund since 1986.
    8. For those who have, the IRS will recompute penalty charges and refund any overpayment.
    9. The biggest advantage, from the taxpayer's point of view, is a faster refund.
    10. Mr. Moir estimated that business customers could receive a refund of as much as $25 million if the FCC finds that the local companies have overcharged.
    11. The charge reflects the state commission's denial last week of the company's request for a delay in filing a plan to refund its customers $43 million, including interest, as part of a 1981 rate dispute.
    12. Relieve farmers from a 1987 requirement that they pay tax on off-road diesel fuel and then apply for a refund.
    13. If it decides for Barclays, California would have to refund about Dollars 400m. If it also decides for Colgate, another Dollars 1.3bn would have to be refunded. The budget negotiations are complicated by electoral politics.
    14. Among the ideas being floated is to refund the fee for opening an electronic shopping catalogue once a purchase is made.
    15. The so-called cash management bill will mature in 22 days and was issued so the government would have enough money on hand to make tax refund payments during the tax filing season.
    16. Another said the same thing, but when we get to the refund center we're met with an entirely different set of rules," she added.
    17. Parents were urged to remove the toys from children's use and to return them to the retailer for a refund.
    18. The carrier blamed its 1986 merger with Republic Airlines, which forced the combination of the two airlines' refund backlogs and caused delays in giving customers their money back.
    19. When the Denver Democrat, after a summer of testing the waters, decided last September not to enter the presidential race, she promised to refund donations to anyone requesting them.
    20. The airline allowed passengers to make other reservations without penalty, even if they held discount tickets with refund and flight-change restrictions.
    21. Consumers should take the rattles away from children and return them to the nearest Toys `R' Us store for a refund, the commission said.
    22. If the plan goes through, Social Security beneficiaries who unavoidably will be overcharged by about $5.30 a month for their Medicare coverage early in 1990 will be simultaneously issued monthly refund checks.
    23. Electronics analysts said the dispute was a surprise and that a $49 million refund would hurt Zenith.
    24. The commission is expected to make a decision on the refund early next year.
    25. To complicate matters, many farmers have received 40 percent of their deficiency payments from the Department of Agriculture in advance and will have to refund a portion of them unless rescued by relief legislation.
    26. "We're going to get a refund," Mr. Grace announced partway through the 15-minute interruption.
    27. Parents should take the toy away from children and either discard it or return it to the retailer for a refund, the agency said.
    28. The agreement allows about 7,400 farmers who applied for but didn't receive drought-insurance coverage from Chubb to pursue legal remedies against the company and simultaneously apply for the double refund Chubb has promised to pay them.
    29. As previously reported, the Indiana Public Service Commission has ordered Northern Indiana to refund the amount, which was collected from customers to pay for the canceled Bailly nuclear plant.
    30. He said it also should not require farmers to refund any part of their so-called deficiency payments and should distribute among drought-stricken farmers the money that the government now expects to save because of the smaller size of the harvest.
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