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 refusal [rɪ'fjuzl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拒绝, 推却, 优先决定权

[法] 拒绝, 谢绝, 取舍权

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of refusing

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a message refusing to accept something that is offered

    4. <noun.communication>

    Refusal \Re*fus"al\ (-al), n.
    1. The act of refusing; denial of anything demanded,
    solicited, or offered for acceptance.

    Do they not seek occasion of new quarrels,
    On my refusal, to distress me more? --Milton.

    2. The right of taking in preference to others; the choice of
    taking or refusing; option; as, to give one the refusal of
    a farm; to have the refusal of an employment.

    1. But she says she would never return home despite her ordeal at sea and the Thai government's refusal to allow the boat people to resettle in the West.
    2. Israel rejected the PLO declarations as a ploy and continued its refusal to negotiate with the organization.
    3. But they say their refusal to date has nothing to do with questions of taste.
    4. That paved the way for a dialogue with the United States after a 13-year American refusal to deal with his Palestine Liberation Organization.
    5. Pinochet's blunt refusal Thursday night has hardened public opposition to his rule.
    6. Its stubborn refusal to reveal the state of its balance sheet yesterday - hardly the standard of disclosure one might expect from a large institutional investor -suggests an unusual degree of sensitivity.
    7. Judge Bork's refusal to die a death of a thousand libels means they will have to explain on the Senate floor the stark contrast between their claims and his testimony.
    8. The strain was compounded by a British appeals court's refusal to overturn the conviction of six Irishmen for two bombings that killed 21 people in 1974.
    9. They said they were reacting to the refusal of nearly all parties to run candidates as long as Avril remains in power.
    10. Residents of a disputed region in the republic of Azerbaijan shut down their main city for a second day today to protest the government's refusal to transfer the region to neighboring Armenia, a newspaper said.
    11. So did Mr Yegor Gaidar, architect of Russia's reforms and leader of the largest reformist party, Russia's Choice, justify his refusal to serve as first deputy prime minister.
    12. The district attorney rejected the offer, but was told her refusal to cooperate would jeopardize her children.
    13. Ira Khrustalova, 41, one of the hunger strikers, said she had just received her notice of refusal Tuesday.
    14. Mr Conrad Black invested in the Daily Telegraph on condition that he would have right of first refusal on any further fund raising.
    15. The resignations were prompted by First Texas' refusal to provide $5 million in needed financing unless the board agreed to a voluntary foreclosure of Gemcraft's homebuilding and mortgage units.
    16. The White House is incensed at Baghdad's refusal to cooperate last week with a U.N. team.
    17. Officials said the government won't take further steps to open up the construction business even if the refusal to yield to U.S. pressure invites retaliation.
    18. In 1986 the Bar and the Law Society sought a judicial review of a refusal by Lord Hailsham, then lord chancellor, to award legal aid lawyers a 'fair and reasonable' pay rise.
    19. A Tokyo court rejected an appeal by British coin dealer Paul Davies against the refusal of Japanese police to return 3,200 gold coins they seized as fakes.
    20. A pro-Iranian Shiite Moslem group, the Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, claimed it hanged Higgins on Monday in retaliation for Israel's refusal to free Obeid, who was kidnapped by Israeli commandos July 28.
    21. The resolution would direct Farmers directors to reconsider their refusal to meet with B.A.T officials to negotiate a merger.
    22. The talks have also stalled over Walesa's refusal to purge from Solidarity's proposed delegation two people the government has deemed extremist, longtime advisers Adam Michnik and Jacek Kuron.
    23. Hoechst's refusal to allow a search on Jan. 22 was viewed as a major legal challenge to the EC's right to enforce competition law.
    24. Their refusal to leave when they were denied service sparked similar sit-ins at other segregated lunch counters and helped established passive resistance as a tool of the 1960s civil rights movement.
    25. The mistake of the rest of the EC was to fail to realise the implications of the Bundesbank's refusal to tolerate higher inflation.
    26. The main stumbling block was the Cambodian government's refusal to agree to a government role for the Khmer Rouge, which massacred hundreds of thousands of Cambodians during four years of rule before Vietnam invaded in 1978 and ousted it from power.
    27. Commentators here note that his refusal to meet with Zulu Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi as long as Inkatha "perpetuates violence" is precisely the argument the government used in refusing to negotiate with the ANC for three decades.
    28. She calls the authorities' continued refusal to let her leave "absurd" since she was fired from her job 13 years ago.
    29. In a letter to NBI, Capital Associates said its acquisition efforts have been stymied by NBI's refusal to open its books for review.
    30. But this aversion to fixed exchange rates, and subsequent refusal to bend American policy toward maintaining a common international monetary standard, reflects, in part, a misassessment of the late-19th-century experience.
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