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 re-establishment 添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 重建, 回复

    [ noun ]
    restoration to a previous state
    regular exercise resulted in the re-establishment of his endurance

    1. "The above outlined program should not be considered a charter for re-establishment of SR-71 flight operations which were terminated as a part of the fiscal 1990 budget deliberations," the report said.
    2. The market for nutmegs/mace remains depressed, despite many rumours of the re-establishment of the Nutmeg Association, reports Man-producten.
    3. However, a resolution that would sanction the bilateral re-establishment of full relations between member states and Egypt appears increasingly likely.
    4. The changes announced Monday included abolition of the death penalty, re-establishment of private property and the opening of borders to former exiles.
    5. In recent weeks, Albania has made several recent moves to increase ties with the West, including the re-establishment of telephone communications with the United States and several other Western nations.
    6. Party leaders on Wednesday also cited the re-establishment of the secret police as a reason to pull out.
    7. The dream of generations of patriots was realized with the re-establishment of Poland after 123 years of being partitioned between Prussia, Austria and Russia.
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