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 re-examine 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ verb ]
    question after cross-examination by opposing counsel
    re-examine one's witness

    1. "No one really knows what the central banks' goal is," and that uncertainty is "causing the short people to re-examine their positions somewhat," he added.
    2. The House passed a slimmed-down pesticide bill that would require the Environmental Protection Agency to re-examine more than 600 ingredients used in pesticides for health and environmental effects.
    3. She said it was time to re-examine Manila's policies.
    4. Today, attorneys were to re-examine defense witness Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr., a Yale law professor who says Bush acted legally when dealing with Good and Walters.
    5. Not only the medical profession, but society as a whole, must re-examine its traditional answers to problems that have changed.
    6. But directors expect Mr. Bossidy to re-examine growth strategies in each of Allied's three major groups and to evaluate divestitures and acquisitions.
    7. Mr. Knight says the agency "probably" will have to re-examine the numbers, but doesn't have the time or resources to do so now.
    8. A federal district court in February 1988 told the agency to re-examine several issues, including the maximum permissible exposure level.
    9. If as the economy recovers tax revenues fail to pick up by as much as expected, the government will have to re-examine its 1980s reforms.
    10. Nonetheless, the intensity of the debate suggests that the pressure on the surveying industry to re-examine its valuation philosophy will remain.
    11. Also on the minds of Democratic leaders are questions about whether the party needs to re-examine its method of nominating presidential candidates after its fifth defeat in the last six national elections.
    12. The agency will re-examine the proposal during that time.
    13. With this sort of an education behind me, I decided to re-examine my catacomb of catalogs.
    14. The victories are forcing the party to re-examine the theory that a black cannot be nominated for president in 1988.
    15. Williams changed the ending for the Broadway director, Elia Kazan: 'I was fearful that I would lose his interest if I didn't re-examine the script from his point of view' he wrote coyly about rewriting in 1955.
    16. The commemoration of the bicentennial of the Constitution and the controversial nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court combine to make this an appropriate time to re-examine the anti-democratic phenomenon of judicial life tenure.
    17. 'For some this may require a fundamental change in attitude, a willingness to re-examine your operations and maybe even a change in your processes.' Even some business leaders believe such exhortations will not be enough.
    18. Justice Sandra O'Connor explained in her separate opinion: "There will be time enough to re-examine Roe" when it's essential to the outcome of a future case.
    19. If we are to rebuild America through the factory, we must re-examine the root of the problem that has caused us to lose our manufacturing sector in America.
    20. "It's caused us to re-examine our entire personal-injury accruals.
    21. The international community needs to re-examine the quality of its assistance effort - and its overall development effectiveness.
    22. Foreign Minister Budimir Loncar summoned Australian Charge d'Affaires Peter Shannon on Thursday and asked Australia to re-examine its ultimatum, the Yugoslav state news agency Tanjug said.
    23. He wrote in Stern that it was time to "re-examine the foundations of our postwar policies" because of changes in the Soviet bloc.
    24. Uno reiterated his support for the new sales tax, which the Liberal Democrats forced through Parliament late last year, but said he was willing to "re-examine" certain aspects.
    25. Because of questions about such use of congressional staffers, Gingrich said he is preparing a letter to his colleagues suggesting the creation of a bipartisan panel of retired congressmen to re-examine the basic ethics rules of the House.
    26. NEW COLLEGE COURSES re-examine traditional liberal arts.
    27. Pressure to re-examine the case grew after "The Thin Blue Line" raised doubts about the testimony of the state's key witness, David Harris.
    28. Although she voted to uphold the Missouri fetal-testing requirement, O'Connor said, "There will be time enough to re-examine Roe.
    29. Inside, jurors considering the charges against Mondello and Fama continued to rehear trial testimony and to re-examine evidence. Thursday was the third full day of deliberations for the Fama jury and the second full day for the Mondello panel.
    30. (U.S. vs. Burke) Antitrust The high court agreed to re-examine the question of when a state's regulation of an industry, in effect, immunizes firms in that industry from federal antitrust laws.
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