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 ramble ['ræmbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 漫步, 随笔

vi. 漫步, 漫谈, 漫游, 蔓延

vt. 闲逛于


    Ramble \Ram"ble\ (r[a^]m"b'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Rambled}
    (r[a^]m"b'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Rambling} (r[a^]m"bl[i^]ng).]
    [For rammle, fr. Prov. E. rame to roam. Cf. {Roam}.]
    1. To walk, ride, or sail, from place to place, without any
    determinate object in view; to roam carelessly or
    irregularly; to rove; to wander; as, to ramble about the
    city; to ramble over the world.

    He that is at liberty to ramble in perfect darkness,
    what is his liberty better than if driven up and
    down as a bubble by the wind? --Locke.

    2. To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way.

    3. To extend or grow at random. --Thomson.

    Syn: To rove; roam; wander; range; stroll.

    Ramble \Ram"ble\, n.
    1. A going or moving from place to place without any
    determinate business or object; an excursion or stroll
    merely for recreation.

    Coming home, after a short Christmas ramble.

    2. [Cf. {Rammel}.] (Coal Mining) A bed of shale over the
    seam. --Raymond.

    3. A section of woods suitable for leisurely walking.

    4. a type of dance; as, the Muskrat ramble.

    1. Meetings tend to ramble on, especially if you are using a translator, although English and French are widely spoken.
    2. So never slouch, don't fiddle, don't ramble, avoid sweaty palms and don't get too close if you've got halitosis.
    3. Patients who lie, seek drugs they don't need, ramble or blame their problems on other doctors rank high as irritants as well.
    4. The humor will appeal mainly to very young people, who may find some of the ideas new, and to people with enough time on their hands to enjoy an aimless, occasionally amusing, ramble through existential Austin.
    5. William Glasser, a Los Angeles psychiatrist, thinks that exercise gives some "a way to avoid the social ramble" and the potential failure of finding friends.
    6. But George saved the day by letting them ramble on.
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