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 punk [pʌnk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 废物, 小阿飞

a. 无用的, 腐朽的

    [ noun ]
    1. an aggressive and violent young criminal

    2. <noun.person>
    3. substance that smolders when ignited; used to light fuses (especially fireworks)

    4. <noun.substance>
    5. material for starting a fire

    6. <noun.substance>
    7. a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture

    8. <noun.person>
    9. rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock

    10. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. of very poor quality; flimsy

    2. <adj.all>

    Punk \Punk\, n. [Cf. {Spunk}.]
    1. Wood so decayed as to be dry, crumbly, and useful for
    tinder; touchwood.

    2. A fungus ({Polyporus fomentarius}, etc.) sometimes dried
    for tinder; agaric.

    3. An artificial tinder. See {Amadou}, and {Spunk}.

    4. A prostitute; a strumpet. [Obsoles.] --Shak.

    1. Murillo _ hair cut in a short punk style, dressed in tight yellow pants and a Hawaiian-style flowered shirt _ said she worried about the new government's cultural conservatism.
    2. The Runaways, who played punk rock, were never big sellers and they took their share of critical lumps before breaking up in the late 1970s over fights about future direction.
    3. But Anthony Galde is an unmenacing teen-age villain, the kind of street punk who would have been out-of-date in the original production of "West Side Story."
    4. Hynde's musical career took shape in London's fertile punk scene during the late 1970s.
    5. The T-shirts are produced by a group of about 60 punk rock musicians and fans, who say they got into the business after they were arrested for putting up posters with the "Meese is a Pig" slogan in places where no posting is allowed.
    6. There is a part for the veteran Doris Hare. The windows come in when it looks as if the punk youth (William Harry) is about to fall from the outside ledge.
    7. There is even a part for the veteran Doris Hare. The windows come in when it looks as if the punk youth (William Harry) is about to fall from the outside ledge.
    8. That attitude explains why the Butthole Surfers (a punk group) sit beside Count Basie, and how the Beatles' classic "Sgt.
    9. The punk appearance he adopted the day of the killings, including shaving the sides of his head, dying his hair black and spiking it on the back of his head, seemed out of character to some.
    10. You know, the sort of guy you find in punk rock clubs.
    11. They need to plan how they'll react if a son comes home with a pierced ear or punk haircut, or if a daughter announces she's signed up to live in a co-ed dormitory.
    12. On the few songs Harry wrote with ex-boyfriend Chris Stein, the dark, brooding punk attitudes return.
    13. If nobody comes up with any bright ideas, expect both a punk and a Beatles revival for 1995, and expect them to be written about in yet more loving detail.
    14. He says young musicians who a decade ago might have turned toward punk are instead, with equal rebelliousness, blowing jazz.
    15. Their second album on Slash-Reprise Records, "The Real Thing," combines rap, funk, jazz and punk.
    16. "It's a punk political attack."
    17. Another group of skinheads, driving cars with West German license plates, later attacked a group of "punk" youths at an intersection, it said.
    18. At a February 1983 concert, Hungarian punk bands dedicated a song to deceased Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, singing: "The schemer has died, the beast has died, the dictator can now become an idol."
    19. "It has been said the New York Dolls were the beginning of punk.
    20. By the early '80s, punk had burned out and pop and soul were welcome again.
    21. "Tokyo Pop" (Warner Home Video; VHS-Beta, $89.95; Rated R) "Tokyo Pop" is a fairly routine story of young love, dressed up in punk clothes and shipped off to Japan.
    22. She has a son with piano-playing talent and a baby, and a daughter who's part Valley Girl, part punk.
    23. Nicolette Larson, who covered Young's gentle "Lotta Love" for a hit in the late 1970s, might faint if she heard Dinosaur Jr.'s hardcore punk version.
    24. A teen-ager was charged Friday in the ax slayings of his parents, a brother and sister as friends puzzled over the change in the studious, churchgoing boy who gave himself a punk haircut the day of the killings.
    25. Some residents had asked that police do so, saying the park is a nighttime hangout for drug dealers, rowdy drunks, homeless people and so-called punk rockers, who dress in black leather and spike their hair.
    26. Czechoslovak president Vaclav Havel dashed around Manhattan, receiving a hero's welcome from writers and artists, hobnobbing with punk rockers and meeting a "legend" _ Paul Newman.
    27. "It's a happy music, it's a snappy music," Hudy said. "Your feet automatically tap." Several rock groups have transformed themselves into new wave polka bands, turning out what Sturr calls "punk polka."
    28. He still has to decide whether to continue to play out his unconvincing stereotype as the street punk, or settle instead for the more restful role of the serious singer songwriter.
    29. Ms. Parillaud begins as a frightening punk, a skinny girl who seems to have had her humanity squeezed out.
    30. "Those bozos will look for anyone to talk about," said Agassi, who has a preference for bright pink tennis tights and a haircut that is a cross between punk rock and heavy metal.
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