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 prettiness ['pritinis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 漂亮, 漂亮的人

    [ noun ]
    the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman)

    Prettiness \Pret"ti*ness\, n.
    The quality or state of being pretty; -- used sometimes in a
    disparaging sense.

    A style . . . without sententious pretension or
    antithetical prettiness. --Jeffrey.

    1. Originally the piece trod a skilful path over an abyss of Victorian prettiness and excessive Mendelssohnian charm.
    2. The Royal Ballet no longer speaks Ashton's poetry as well as it does Forsythe's rap. There sometimes seems a prettiness, an almost fatal charm, in Ashton ballets, as with the fairies in The Dream or Cinderella, or the skaters in Les Patineurs.
    3. Indeed, this isn't a picture for those who find prettiness annoying.
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