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 pretty ['priti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 漂亮的, 优美的, 机灵的, 狡猾的, 恰当的

ad. 相当, 颇

    prettied, prettier, prettiest
    [ adv ]
    1. to a moderately sufficient extent or degree

    2. <adv.all>
      pretty big
      pretty bad
      jolly decent of him
      the shoes are priced reasonably
      he is fairly clever with computers
    [ adj ]
    1. pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing

    2. <adj.all>
      pretty girl
      pretty song
      pretty room
    3. (used ironically) unexpectedly bad

    4. <adj.all>
      a pretty mess
      a pretty kettle of fish

    Pretty \Pret"ty\, a. [Compar. {Prettier}; superl. {Prettiest}.]
    [OE. prati, AS. pr[ae]ttig, pr[ae]tig, crafty, sly, akin to
    pr[ae]t, pr[ae]tt, deceit, trickery, Icel. prettugr tricky,
    prettr a trick; probably fr. Latin, perhaps through Celtic;
    cf. W. praith act, deed, practice, LL. practica execution,
    practice, plot. See {Practice}.]
    1. Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not
    striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form
    a color; having slight or diminutive beauty; neat or
    elegant without elevation or grandeur; pleasingly, but not
    grandly, conceived or expressed; as, a pretty face; a
    pretty flower; a pretty poem.

    This is the prettiest lowborn lass that ever
    Ran on the greensward. --Shak.

    2. Moderately large; considerable; as, he had saved a pretty
    fortune. ``Wavering a pretty while.'' --Evelyn.

    3. Affectedly nice; foppish; -- used in an ill sense.

    The pretty gentleman is the most complaisant in the
    world. --Spectator.

    4. Mean; despicable; contemptible; -- used ironically; as, a
    pretty trick; a pretty fellow.

    5. Stout; strong and brave; intrepid; valiant. [Scot.]

    [He] observed they were pretty men, meaning not
    handsome. --Sir W.

    Syn: Elegant; neat; fine. See {Handsome}.

    Pretty \Pret"ty\, adv.
    In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; --
    less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact;
    pretty cold weather.

    Pretty plainly professes himself a sincere Christian.

    1. For instance the shortie jacket over legs alone became a sort of pretty coat-dress this time and in fact was cut sexily like a tulip.
    2. "We've looked pretty hard at what resources are available," says Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, "and we have one hell of a budgetary problem."
    3. The illusion is that commissions are pretty much fixed. Indeed, anti-rebating laws in 48 states prohibit agents from returning part or all of their commissions to insurance buyers.
    4. The second, which is much better, has a performance of 'The Red Flag' which has a pretty stirring tune.
    5. "The warning is pretty explicit," says Evelyn Albu, director of professional services for Schering Corp., the Schering-Plough Corp. unit that makes Afrin nasal spray.
    6. "Things are looking pretty good," says John Canning, a senior executive at First Chicago Corp., a longtime KKR investor.
    7. "The situation has gone from god-awful to pretty terrible," observes Alan Jones, a spokesman for the state Department of Water Resources.
    8. And it is pretty awe-inspiring.
    9. "We think the outlook is pretty stable for Japanese banks," she says.
    10. "Considering we're in a tough recession now, these numbers are pretty good," he said.
    11. The Iraqi leader proclaimed the gulf war a great Iraqi victory, even though it was pretty much a draw brought about by mutual exhaustion.
    12. "The whole state's pretty much blanketed in fog," Doug Young, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, said Saturday morning.
    13. It was never illuminating, only distracting. Even before the opera began the inmates of the Bedlam asylum were swarming over the stage; that they were all female, and found themselves in some pretty lurid postures raised suspicions from the start.
    14. Ms. Norville is talented and overwhelmingly pretty and would be fine as a reporter or a newsmagazine anchor.
    15. Score one for Going Out and one for staying home. So Going Out emerges from this refresher course pretty robustly; the vitality of live events and the uniqueness of each performance score heavily.
    16. It looks like a pretty good defensive move, and he has made everybody wealthy in the process, except Amax," said analyst Rick Cohen, of Toronto's BBN James Capel Inc.
    17. The visitors do not come to Schengen principally for its pretty chateau and church, or even for its vineyards, sweeping down to the river from the steep hills above the village.
    18. Not much hair but very pretty," Mrs. Makim said.
    19. "I'm pretty numb to new cars," said John C. Salagaj, a vice president of Diversified Services Inc. of Ft.
    20. "I think he's a pretty exciting guy and he's got a lot of guts," DeBartolo said of Campeau after the jam-packed meeting.
    21. "On this, Baker has been superb," Eagleburger said. "I think I've got a pretty good sense of where he is going to come out on an issue.
    22. Things aren't so pretty there.
    23. As an action hero he's pretty goofy, but he does walk through broken glass barefoot, which should attract the Rambo fans.
    24. But Mr. Sprinzen called that a "pretty modest expectation for an A-minus company."
    25. The newspaper quoted Guan as saying after his arrest: "My wife and children work, my family's living conditions are pretty good.
    26. "My reaction to the speech was pretty positive, more positive than I expected," says Mr. McCraw.
    27. However, the effect today is pretty dire.
    28. Exquisitely pretty, blonde, flawless skin, tall, fine-boned.
    29. Means, who left school at age 16, called Judge Paul Zakaib's decision "pretty stupid" in his case but said the law is worth pursuing by other states.
    30. The outcome may not be pretty.
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