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 pretentious [pri'tenʃәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 自负的, 自命不凡的, 夸耀的

    [ adj ]
    1. making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction

    2. <adj.all>
      a pretentious country house
      a pretentious fraud
      a pretentious scholarly edition
    3. intended to attract notice and impress others

    4. <adj.all>
      an ostentatious sable coat
    5. (of a display) tawdry or vulgar

    6. <adj.all>

    Pretentious \Pre*ten"tious\, a. [Cf. F. pr['e]tentieux. See
    Full of pretension; disposed to lay claim to more than is
    one's; presuming; assuming. -- {Pre*ten"tious*ly}, adv. --
    {Pre*ten"tious*ness}, n.

    1. Darcy's mother, a divorced man-hater, learns the error of her immature, pretentious ways through the youngsters.
    2. Many simply do not bother and use the pendants granny left them, while others fill their ceilings and walls with the latest fiddly systems from pretentious designers with hairdresser names. There is a way out of the darkness, but finding it is difficult.
    3. Later, the stencil was changed to an incrementally less pretentious, "Anchors Office." On Wednesday, NASA approved Discovery for flight.
    4. The meditative quality and unchallenging melodies of some music labeled new age, has given it a deserved distinction as pretentious and boring, the two agreed.
    5. I always think it is grander to make delicious simple food than to present pretentious mediocre dishes.
    6. The reason we know so little about dinosaurs is there are too few people looking for them." He blames the shortage on pretentious paleontologists who insist on calling an eye socket "the fossa orbital" and who generally look down at enthusiastic amateurs.
    7. A good deal of pretentious nonsense has been written about Triumph Of The Will (12.05 BBC2), Leni Riefenstahl's notorious film about the 1934 Nazi party congress in Nuremburg.
    8. In context of the events of the last nine months in the Middle East, it is all the easier to see Klinghoffer for what it is: hollow, pretentious, effete and phoney.
    9. At its worst, it is both wrong and embarrassingly pretentious.
    10. But it's merely pretentious and not very funny.
    11. Channel 4 had the praiseworthy idea of commissioning three new 'operas' for television which, in the event, looked as though they set out deliberately to confirm all the worst expectations of opera-phobes, being pretentious, unmelodious and silly.
    12. Below stairs, an entire petty larceny of servants cheat their way through life. Behind Grub Street lies Fielding's satire of the dim George II, the pretentious Queen Caroline and their lecherous son Frederick Prince of Wales.
    13. For Mr. Russell interpolates several contrived flashbacks to account for his characters' aimlessness and fear of commitment, and works in a number of pretentious references to atomic apocalypse.
    14. At its most pretentious, "Strange Interlude" causes one to speculate that "Dallas" might be successfully transferred to the stage simply by adding a little metaphysical trim.
    15. It is a terrible indictment of mixed bathing. The second piece, Fauves, is worse: more repetitious, more pretentious, and even less probable as choreography.
    16. Judge Bork is a rather confused fellow, given to facile and pretentious verbalizing in the service of illiberal ends.
    17. The pretentious part of "S." is its flaunting of unassimilated lingo from the world of yoga and allied fields.
    18. This year there have been the likes of Michael Moschen, a pretentious new-age juggler who aspires to dance but doesn't come close, and the conventional standup comedy and pitiable singing of Harry Shearer.
    19. Julie Saunders' Dido gets better as tragedy approaches and with the maturing of the verse. There is the definition of a pretentious programme note by Inga-Stina Ewbank, who is a professor of English at the University of Leeds.
    20. Bernard Anderson, a University of Pennsylvania economist, calls Mr. Loury's views "pretentious, academic hogwash."
    21. In a pretentious Edinburgh hotel last month a request for 'the green salad' brought a confection of parboiled leeks, beans and exhausted vegetation, and the 'vegetable risotto' was most notable for chunks of raw-ish aubergine.
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