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 preterit ['pretәrit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 过去的

n. 过去时

    [ noun ]
    a term formerly used to refer to the simple past tense

    Preterit \Pret"er*it\ (?; 277), a. [L. praeteritus, p. p. of
    praeterire to go or pass by; praeter beyond, by + ire to go:
    cf. F. pr['e]t['e]rit. See {Issue}.] [Written also
    {preterite} and {pr[ae]terite}.]
    1. (Gram.) Past; -- applied to a tense which expresses an
    action or state as past.

    2. Belonging wholly to the past; passed by. [R.]

    Things and persons as thoroughly preterite as
    Romulus or Numa. --Lowell.

    Preterit \Pret"er*it\, n. (Gram.)
    The preterit; also, a word in the preterit tense.

    Preterperfect \Pre`ter*per"fect\, a. & n. [Pref. preter- +
    perfect.] (Gram.)
    Old name of the tense also called {preterit}.

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