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 preservation [,prezә'veiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 保存, 保藏, 保护

[医] 保藏, 保存, 防腐

    [ noun ]
    1. the activity of protecting something from loss or danger

    2. <noun.act>
    3. the condition of being (well or ill) preserved

    4. <noun.state>
    5. a process that saves organic substances from decay

    6. <noun.process>
    7. an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change

    8. <noun.event>

    Preservation \Pres`er*va"tion\, n. [Cf. F. pr['e]servation.]
    The act or process of preserving, or keeping safe; the state
    of being preserved, or kept from injury, destruction, or
    decay; security; safety; as, preservation of life, fruit,
    game, etc.; a picture in good preservation.

    Give us particulars of thy preservation. --Shak.

    1. "Participating in World Hello Day is a symbolic action, which celebrates the contributions made by personal communication to the resolution of conflicts and the preservation of peace," he said in a promotional flier.
    2. Robert D. Ballard, the expedition's leader, said the ship's state of preservation was remarkable.
    3. "While I am supporting this provision because it assists in the preservation of critical habitat, I also note that it will ease the economic transition in areas affected by the listing of the spotted owl," Bush said.
    4. "This will not stop the tampering, but it will make public knowledge that a film has been tampered with," said George Kirgo, president of the Writers Guild of America and a preservation board member.
    5. The private foundation the president proposes would use $35 million in federal funds and would help raise private contributions for tree preservation and planting projects.
    6. Residents concerned about vanishing cultural heritage had urged preservation of the hotel and school district officials wanted to buy the 23-acre site on Wilshire Boulevard for a badly needed new high school.
    7. Inside this lavish Moorish-style movie house, whose near demolition 10 years ago mobilized Atlanta's preservation movement, bored and broiling conventioneers are listening to jokester Mark Russell.
    8. A federation of Russian environmental, patriotic and religious groups Sunday formed a federation to press for a multiparty political system and the preservation of Russian culture, a reporter said.
    9. Now we are alert to the value of preservation - so it makes better sense to save the salvaged artefacts and sell them to home-owners who will pay a good price for something authentic.
    10. There have been successes: the Marshall Plan, aid to Greece and Turkey, NATO, the preservation of South Korea, Soviet setbacks in Egypt and now Afghanistan.
    11. "The visit underlies the vital importance both countries attach to the U.S.-Japanese relationship and its contribution to the preservation of peace and prosperity in the Pacific and throughout the world," the White House said.
    12. "There needn't be a conflict between access for the disabled and preservation of wilderness." No one expects the question to be settled soon or the bitterness to disappear from two sides unwilling to compromise.
    13. She said preservation of the dune shacks in those plans "is under full consideration." "For the next few years, we don't see anything happening at all," Shean-Hammond said.
    14. Irradiation, exposing foodstuffs _ especially meats _ to radioisotopes such as cobalt 60 and cesium 137, has been proposed as a food preservation method since at least the early 1960s.
    15. More than 600 people have commented on a proposed 10-year management plan for Great Basin National Park, said supervisor Al Hendricks. "The comments we received tended quite heavily toward protection and preservation.
    16. They don't have the snap and sharpness you would like to see." But all the dire predictions have produced a positive side effect: an increased awareness of the importance of preservation.
    17. Barcelona has the strictest historical preservation code of any European city.
    18. In 1980, when the building needed renovation, the society formed an exempt preservation charity and conveyed the building to it in return for a rent-free, 50-year lease on the first floor.
    19. The project illustrates the place that South African wildlife researchers have in the forefront of species preservation and the National Park Board's philosophy about when to let nature take its course and when man should intervene.
    20. An official from Georgia's agency for historic preservation said he had received a letter from Defense Minister Dmitri T. Yazov saying the artillery range had been shortened and the direction of fire changed.
    21. Most of Saddam's neighbors have appeased him to ensure their own preservation, they said, noting Saddam's decision to wage war on Iran in 1980.
    22. Wedged between South Africa and Mozambique, this kingdom of rolling hills and lush valleys has spent the past two decades pursuing both Western-style modernization and preservation of age-old customs.
    23. To protect and promote one of its most popular sections, the city recently passed an amendment to its historic preservation ordinance that gives officials the option of imposing a permanent moratorium on demolition of significant buildings.
    24. "Imperium," which argues for the preservation of Western culture through the practice of Nazi racist policies.
    25. In a letter to clients, he said the firm is aiming at "capital preservation, lots of cash and bulletproof stocks."
    26. The expedition was intended to generate support for Antarctica's preservation and to demonstrate the power of international cooperation.
    27. Cripple Creek residents voted 152-38 over the weekend in favor of gambling to support historic preservation and make other improvements.
    28. As part of its film preservation program, Paramount Pictures has restored prints in 70mm with six-track stereo sound. "The Ten Commandments" was shown at two Los Angeles theaters on May 16-24, with engagements to follow across the country.
    29. "We believe that it is not appropriate for Japan to continue with such a large trade surplus, and that if it does continue, the preservation of the free trade system could become difficult," he said.
    30. "I will keep the tower open until I am forced to close it," Giuseppe Toniolo, chairman of a city committee responsible for preservation of the tower, said Friday.
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